Chapter 8

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Josh and Logan make it out of the bedroom. Josh carries Logan with all of his strength. His breath slows down as he carries Logan down the hall.
He looks back to make sure Ballora isn't following them. But she isn't. It almost seems as if she vanished into thin air.
       Josh slightly pants as he slowly sets Logan down. His legs slowly give way as he starts to fall down with Logan, heaving and gasping for breath. His lungs strain and he gives Logan a confused look as he curiously peeks above and around the halls.
        "Where is she?" Josh asks Logan as he glances back towards Logan. "Why did she leave?"
"Does it look like I know everything she does?" Logan asks Josh as he tries to get up. His legs slowly start to get up, but his body starts to grow limp. His eyelids squint and his body shakes as he tries to keep balance.
       He breaths heavily as he continues to limp down the halls. Every step he takes brings more and more pain.
       Josh only gives a worried glance as he watches Logan try to move on. His lower lip starts to open, trying to tell Logan to stop, but for all he knows, Ballora could be back any minute.
      He extend his hand towards Logan, trying not to be in too much contact with him. Logan gives an awkward expression, and his left cheek leaves a puff while his eyes widen in confusion.
    Logan firmly grabs Josh's hand and Josh pulls him up. His body shakes and he nearly falls down once again, but Josh grabs a hold of his chest, and his hand tightens on his shirt.
    Logan looks up towards Josh, and a few tears pour from his eyes. His lips starts to part ways, and his eyes widen, having tears start to loiter in his sockets.
     "Why are you helping me?" Logan cries out to Josh all of a sudden.
The few hot tears roll down his cheeks and slowly make their way down to his chest. Josh feels the tears, and his face reeks in confusion. He looks deeply towards Logan, and fear cleanses him.
    "What do you mean?" Josh asks Logan in confusion as his grip on Logan's chest slips slightly.
    "I've just been so mean to you, back then," Logan sadly says as he begins to walk off.
       Josh's tongue tries to get loose. To tell him that all is forgiven, but something holds it back; he couldn't tell what. His mouth slightly opens, but his shock gets the best of him, and he remains silent.
      "We have to get out, there has to be a way," Logan tells Josh.
"I don't know what we should do," Josh admits to Logan as he feels stress overflowing his mind.
Josh glances down the halls to make sure no animatronics were watching. Even though there weren't any, he could still sense them somehow, but he doesn't know why.
      Every section of the halls is dark and only with the scent and small lighting of candles hung on the walls. The candles are hung on a torch like stick that glows slightly, but still leaves the rest of the halls unfilled, making Josh slightly gulp.
      "We have to keep moving," Logan tells Josh as he starts to walk down the hall, not caring if Josh is following him or not.
     Josh only nods and faint words appear in his mouth. His eyes widen in shock at Logan's behavior as he rushes down the hall to catch up with him.
     The halls glare at them in anger, thrill, and excitement as they walk down the halls. The aroma makes both Logan and Josh feel uncomfortable inside and they give quick glances towards each other before continuing.
The hall ends with another door right before them. Slight screams echo through the halls, leaving chills down Josh's spine.
Logan extends his hand towards the door, and quickly opens it, prepared for what is behind it. His palm slightly shakes, but his strong grip on the door forces his hand to stop.
He turns the knob with caution, and creaks open the door. The noise the door makes brings an an ominous feel inside both of the boys as they peek in the room.
      Not much is in the room for some reason. All there is are small plush animals staring at them, although they grasp Josh's soul in fear.
     They sit in boxes, and all of them are open. All of the boxes align with each other, causing the room to feel more narrow. Nothing else is in the room though, or nothing can be seen, for all there is is darkness consuming the room and all around it except the plush animatronics.
      "I don't get it," Logan tells Josh as he heads into the room. "Why are there stuffed animals here?! Out of all of the places?"

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