Chapter 4

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       Josh sees Logan passed out in a bed. Roses are scattered all over his body, and Logan is wearing a tuxedo for some reason. One of the coffin doors cover half of Logan's body. His body is held in a dusty coffin and his eyes are closed almost as if he's at peace. His body seems pale and almost seems like a corpse, which makes Josh gulp.
"Logan," Josh nervously says as he removes the coffin door and hastily shakes Logan. "Wake up!"
Logan's skin starts to go back to normal and Logan starts to slowly open his eyes. His vision is blurry, but when he comes to, he sees Josh's relief on his face as Josh grabs Logan and hugs him.
"What are you doing?" Logan awkwardly asks as he shoves Josh away from him.
His eyes widen when he sees where he is and all that's happening.
"Why in holy barnacles am I wearing a TUXEDO?!" Logan yells out as he tries to rip the tux to pieces.
      The tux stays tight on his chest and Logan frantically looks around the room he's in.
     "Did I die, Josh?" Logan asks as he looks in shock at tge coffin. "Am I in heaven or somethung?"
    "I don't know," Josh panics. "A little kid made of dust started growing claws and tried to murder me! I don't know what's going in here!"
      "Then what is going on here?" Logan, still shocked, asks. "How did we get here?"
      "This place is crazy," Josh says to Logan. "There are robots here too,"
     "Really?" Logan says in a curious tone. He looks around the room he's in in shock to notice the long halls.
    "Maybe the manager of the pizzeria brought us here and he owns a very rich mansion from all of the children he murdered," Josh suggests.
      "How long do those halls go down?" Logan asks as he starts to climb out of the coffin.
     The tight tuxedo makes him struggle a little bit before he falls out of the coffns, slammng to the ground.
Logan grunts as he rubs his back.
"Stupid tuxedo!" Logan nearly yells out as he tries to take it off.
"Maybe we can find some new cloths," Josh assures. "But first, we need to find a way out of here. I tried the doors, they wouldn't open,"
      "A freaky ballerina lady captured ne, stuffed me in a suit, and then..... someone put me in a tuxedo?" Logan confusingly says as he starts to calm down. "How did you get here? Did the ballerina freakishly fall in love with you too?"
     "A man that wears purple stabbed me constantly with a knife!" Josh yells out. "Then I woke up in some weird hospital..... the next thing I know, I'm here,"
     "Hold the talk button there pussycat, did you say you woke up in a strange hospital?" Logan rudely says as he gets off and brushes off the dust on him.
     "Uhh... yes," Josh answers as he looks at Logan strangely.
"I was in that hospital too," Logan stangely says.
He looks down and slightly turns his head towards the coffin. Logan streaks his fingers on the dust and grinds 2 of his fingers together.
"Why am I in a coffin since you have your cloths?" Logan asks Josh.
"I don't know," Josh says as his arms flail above his head. "I woke up in a giant bed with robots trying to murder me!"
"You woke up in a giant bed, and I woke up in a coffin...." Logan annoyingly asks Josh. "Whoever kidnapped us must have had the hots for you! How did you even escape the room?"
"The door was unlocked...." Josh says in a confused tone.
Before Logan responded, he slowly blew a puff of air out of his mouth. "Yep, clearly the hots," Logan strongly claims as his eyes go wide and he rolls them.
"No one has the hots for me!" Josh yells out. "There were robots there that were attacking me too!"
Logan only smirks and quickly rolls his eyes and Josh's cheeks go red.
"It has something to do with that hospital, why we're here," Josh tells Logan. "It clearly isn't the town hospital, so that means we were kidnapped from the hospital and brought to another one,"
"Why would some snob kidnap us only to bring us to another hospital?" Logan asks. "That doesn't make any sense,"
"What do we do then?" Josh asks.
"We should explore this place a little bit," Logan tells Josh. "Maybe we can find oit more about what happened,"
"Good idea Logan," Josh says as he waits for Logan to enter the hallway. "The entrance to the house is just down the hall, but sadly, the door is locked,"
Logan glances at Josh, and Josh does a few quick nudges to the door. Logan gives Josh an annoyed look and rolls his eyes.
"You really are a pussycat," Logan says as he heads into the hallway.
Josh follows him and they head down the hallway.
After they left the room, the door slowly closes behind them, with the door creaking loudly, and echoing downthe hall.

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