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Gee: so you know how it's mikeys birthday soon

Jishwaaaaa: it's in two months but carry on

Milkeyway: yeah

Gee: I think we should throw him a party

Jishwaaaaa: good idea

Milkeyway: that seems nice

Gee: fuck

Gee: I didn't read your name I thought you would be brendon or Ryan seeing as they're the only two on here anymore

Halsey: I'm on here a lot

Gee: remember when Dallon used to actually speak on here

Halsey: those were the days

Gee: what even happened to him

Halsey: he told us ages ago but I never pay attention to anything so idk

Ryry: maybe he lost his phone

Gee: no he still posts on social media

BigBoyBeebs: maybe he got abducted by aliens and they're posting on his Instagram because they've just discovered the power of social media

Jishwaaaaa: that's one of the most sensible things you've ever said before

BigBoyBeebs: but then they realise that Instagram totally copied Snapchat and then they plan ways to kill instagram not realising that it can't be killed

Jishwaaaaa: okay you've lost me there

BigBoyBeebs: so Dallon tries to diffuse the situation by showing him the dress from years ago and then they all start arguing about what colour it is and dallon realises he fucked up

Ryry: what the fuck is wrong with you

Halsey: it is 2am so maybe he's sleep deprived

Gee: aren't we all

Halsey: trueee

Ryry: okay he's fallen asleep now

Tacoshell: MORNING

Halsey: Tyler shut the fuck up it's 2am

Tacoshell: sorry for being happy

Halsey: no happiness is allowed here

Halsey: we all want to die okay

Tacoshell: fair enough

Tacoshell: I'm going back to dreaming of swimming in a pool of red bull

Jishwaaaaa: I love red bull but that's gross


Halsey: woah this escalated quickly

Gee: I wasn't expecting this turn of events

Jishwaaaaa: are you serious Tyler

Tacoshell: obviouslyyyyy

Jishwaaaaa: we'll talk tomorrow now go to sleep I'm tired

BigBoyBeebs: okay daddy

Gee: what the fuck I thought you were asleep

BigBoyBeebs: expect the unexpected

Gee: well it wasn't that dramatic

Ryry: it was kinda creepy

Halsey: this conversation got weird very quickly goodnight

Ryry: now Brendon's hyper

Gee: good luck getting him back to sleep

Ryry: I swear he's a 5 year old secretly

Gee: it wouldn't surprise me

Gee: anyways have fun with that piece of shit don't die

Ryry: wow thanks for the encouraging words

Gee: I'm sure you're really inspired now

Ryry: ..........

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