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First day of school.

You were walking down the halls of a new school since your parents decided to move.

Where is that classroom?

You were searching for your first class of the day when we bumped into someone. You fell on the ground as well as the male that you bumped into.

"Are you okay?" He asks helping you pick up your books.

"Yeah" you said finding the courage to look at him. "It's my fault"

You look to see a boy with (crush's hair colour) hair, and (crush's eye colour).

To say he was cute was an understatement. He was adorable. He was handsome.

You were trying your best to ignore all the butterflies in your stomach.

"It's okay" he said helping you up. "Are you new around here?"

"Y-Yeah" You stuttered.

Seriously, (y/n)?

"Do you need any help? You know, I could show you to your classes" he said.

"I could use some help" you said. "My first class is English with Mrs. Rivers"

"That's my first class two" he said. "Follow me"

You both were walking side by side to the classroom.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/n)" you said.

"You're actually really pretty" he said making you blush.

"Thanks" you said.

"I'm (c/n)" he said.

You both reached the classroom.

"(Crush's last name)" the teacher said. "Late again"

"I'm sorry" he said. "I was just helping her find her class"

"You must be my new student. (Your last name), right?" The teacher asked.

"Yes" you said.

"You both can take the vacant seats at the back"

You guys both went to take your seats which just happened to be beside each other.

Good luck, (y/n). A whole year beside him.

The school year passed by with you growing feelings for him. One day at school you were talking to your best friend during lunch.

"Seriously (y/n)" your best friend said. "Just tell him already. The last day of school is tomorrow. You've been putting this off for months"

"I know, (b/f/n)" you said. "I'm just nervous. What if he doesn't like me? What if he'll think I'm weird?"

"Worry about that after" she said. "Of course he'll like you. Aren't you guys friends?"

'Speak if the devil and he shall appear' (c/n) just happened to show up.

"Hey (y/n)" he said. "Can I talk to you after school"

"S-Sure" you said.

Seriously (y/n)? You had to stutter?

"Where?" You asked.

"The nearby park" he said. You nodded and he left.

"Tell him how you feel at the park" (b/f/n) said. "That will be perfect"

The bell rang.

"Update me after you confess" she said and walked to her next class.

"Sure" you whispered.

The day went on and it was after school.

You went to the park and saw (c/n) waiting for you. You run over to him.

"Hey" you said.

"Oh hey" he said nervously. "For a second there I thought you wouldn't come"

"Can I tell you something?" You asked. He nodded.

"Go ahead" he said.

"I know we're friends and all. From the first day we met I had this weird feeling like there are butterflies in my stomach" you said and perfect timing a butterfly landed on your nose. You and (c/n) chuckled.

"Continue" He said.

You swated the butterfly away.

"What I was meaning to say is I like you" you said. "I know you may no-" you were cut off by a kiss on the lips from him. You stood there in shock now knowing how to respond.

Should I kiss back? Should I remain still?

He pulled away.

"I'm so sorry" he said. "It's just I've also liked you for so long. And I've wanted to kiss you for so long. I might as well get straight to the point. I like you. No I don't like you. I love you. So, (y/n) (last name), will you be mine?"

"I love you too" you said. "And yes I will be yours"

"Yes!" He yelled jumping up and down like a child.

Oh (c/n).


Hey guys! I would just like to thank you for all the support on this book. I appreciate all of it.

I have a question for you guys.

I want to know if you have any requests for up coming chapters?

Tell me in the comments!

Bye my loves!

One shots (crush x reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें