I saw him move under the blanket. It shows his bare chest. We are still both naked under the sheets. Then slowly, he opened his eyes and my heart began to pound strongly. And my confidence started to shatter...

Beam's POV

I found a very handsome face looking at me intently when I opened my eyes. I think he looks very nervous and concerned at the same time. I saw him stiffened when I blinked just to adjust my eyes from the light.

I tried to stretch my body but grimaced when I felt the excessive pain in my back and sore all over my body. I bit my lips to prevent myself from groaning. I frowned when I remember what happened last night, and suddenly felt hot on my cheeks when I met again the gaze of the man beside me. I closed my eyes to hide the embarrassment.

"Beam..." he said.
I did not respond. Not even move a bit.
"Are you okay? How do you feel? Are you hurt?"
"Shia! What do you think? You didn't even care how you rupture me last night as if you haven't done it for ages..."

I saw him smile a bit.
"I am glad that you are now scolding me. I thought you will never talk to me again after what happened. Sorry that I overdid it last night... It is actually like the first time in ages that I feel that wonderful."

"Asshole...! Can you just shut up?"

I tried to stand up to pick up my clothes. But he overran me and put each piece on my lap.

"Are you going to take a bath? Do you want me to help you?" He stand up, wearing only his boxers, then tried to help me to stand. I blushed when I saw the purple marks on his chest and his neck. Who else have done it?

"Forth, I am just in pain but is not disabled. This is nothing. Don't treat me like a girl!" I scowled and turned away to hide my reddened face. I cannot meet his gaze.
He raised his two hands in the air for submission. He went to Lam's closet, as if it is his own, pulled out a towel then handed it to me.

I started to move carefully towards the bathroom, while trying to ignore the pain, I immediately shut the door behind me once I was inside. I braced my hands on the sink to support myself on standing. Abruptly, I swear on myself, at the mirror in front of me, the moment I saw the hickeys clearly shown all over my body. I hoped none cannot be covered by clothes.

I look again in my reflection and tried to think deeply. How am I going to respond once I face him again outside this door?

We are actually mates. But I am not a fan of this so-called destiny. I know that it is not always true. I have witnessed one. I know it will only cause pain and may just bring tragedy once it does not work out right.

3rd Person POV

Beam casually walked out of the bathroom despite the pain. The hot shower somehow freshen him up and eased the pain a little.

"Your turn," he said, while pointing to the bathroom using his chin.

Forth is just looking at him silently. Somehow trying to read his poker face. He heard him sigh before he proceeds toward the bathroom to clean himself, with a towel hanging on his right shoulder.

Beam already left when he came out of the bathroom, minutes later after the cold shower he had.

He sighed again. Very frustrated.
He is going crazy.


"P'Forth...! What are you doing here?" Bas greeted him. "Did you miss me already?" He smiled, giving a puppy-like face.

Forth smiled gently and lovingly, while patting the younger man's head. "Er.. er... What time are you going home so I can pick you up later...?"

"No need P'. We still have group activities to finish. I am not sure until what time it will be... I will just ask my friend to accompany me home."

"Oho, you already have friends? The school year just started and you already have one?"

"Actually, P'..." Bas does not able to finish his sentence. He does not know how to tell his P' that he was actually selected to be the moon of their faculty, the Faculty of Arts. He will surely tease him to death, or stop him on participating.


"Ahmm.. Never mind. Fine, I will just call you once we are done."

"Good. I am going now." He waved his hand and started to leave.

"Eh? That's all." Bas was amused on the other man's act.


"Why didn't you just call to ask. You should have not wasted your energy and time walking here..."

"Didn't you just said that I missed you..." He smirked. But the younger guy just rolled his eyes in disbelief. He knows something is up with this man.

"Er... Go away already!"

A/N: Aside from normal mates (partners in bed, between an omega marked by an alpha), there is so-called fated pair or fated mate which is usually between alpha and omega, though it sometimes happen between two alphas but never between two omegas. An alpha can actually have different mates but omega can only have one mate at a time. Even after being marked, if the omega met his fated pair, the marking done by another alpha will be voided. There is only one fated mate for each alpha and omega. Once found, the alpha will belong to that omega and the feelings will not go away even with time. Our moons and their omegas in this story are actually fated pairs.

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