"I knew you did something to Lady Mei back then, bastard!" Chojuro yelled at him. Sebbech laughed at his comment as he began to slowly perform a few hand seals.

   "I put you under the impression that we never met before, but it seems you remember our battle back then!" he replied.

   "What did you do to her?!" Chojuro demanded. Before he could get an answer, he swung the large blade towards Sebbech's neck.

   Sebbech moved his hand up to the sword to catch it easily. Chojuro immediately noticed that the shinobi's hand was now coated in chakra. Taking precaution, the swordsman quickly bounded back in case he was getting ready to launch a counterattack.

   Gyatsō let his arms down to his side as he looked over to Sebbech. After hearing him mention a previous battle between the two, he realised that their current one could be a lot more personal than he thought. As such, he decided to stay out of it.

   Sebbech scoffed to himself as he watched Chojuro closely. After failing to sense an attack of his own, he answered his question.

   "Mei Terumi would've gotten in my way if I just sat back and did nothing," he told the blue-haired male.

   He then appeared behind Chojuro with his hand against his Hiramekarei. A large chakra blade was still formed out of the male's hand. With a wide smirk, he brought his hand towards Chojuro's neck.

. . . .

   A younger Chojuro quickly moved his head back to dodge the masked shinobi's incoming hand. He then brought his sword up to slice through the shinobi's body, but it dispersed into water and fell lifelessly onto the ground.

   "A water clone?" he mumbled to himself.

   Mei was standing behind the swordsman with her arms crossed. Soon after, the masked shinobi reappeared some distance back. Chojuro's grip around Hiramekarei tightened as he looked over to the Fifth Mizukage candidate.

   "Don't worry, ma'am, I'll protect you... I mean, I think I can... well, I don't know if I actually can," he stuttered. Mei gave the bodyguard a warm smile as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

   "I know you can, Chojuro. You're a very capable young man," she assured him.

   The masked shinobi began to walk towards them again before stopping in his tracks. Seiko had suddenly appeared at his side with a sword of her own drawn.

   "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked her. Seiko giggled for a bit as her eyes rested on Mei, who looked back at her.

   "I can't let God work himself up against these two. I'll handle that bitch, you can take on that weak looking guy," she replied.

   "Weak looking guy...?" Chojuro mumbled to himself again. He then readjusted his glasses as he gulped. He actually didn't know if he could take on Sebbech due to not knowing his capabilities.

   Seiko then broke out into a loud cackle as she dashed towards Mei. Chojuro appeared in front of her and attempted to smash his sword against her to halt her movements, but Sebbech appeared at his side to direct a knee to his stomach.

   The blue-haired swordsman exhaled in pain as he tried to rebalance himself, but Sebbech quickly directed another blow to send him crashing onto the ground. When Chojuro quickly looked up, the masked shinobi was in the air above him. His blade was making its way toward his head.

. . . .

   Chojuro moved his head to the side to avoid being struck by the kunai Sebbech was now holding. He then quickly lifted his body up to roughly headbutt Sebbech and sent him sprawling back with a thud.

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