Chance Encounter

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Chapter 4

Oct 12, 2163

Adelina Morgan

Location: County 4

The little bastards. They set up three bombs this time, and they’re not even the same kind. I have limited expertise when it comes to bombs other than atomic ones. Damn. I can figure it out with enough time, but that doesn’t mean I can just deactivate it just like that. I would need to study it first.

            There’s no time. I disabled two of the three bombs, with three minutes to spare. Fortunately, they were both easy to disassemble, one being atomic and the other being just...simple. I mentally picture the last location of the bomb. The army base is a building, with vehicles on the other side. The first two locations were close, but not too close, and far enough to inflict equal damage on each side of the buildings. The third one must be located equidistant from the other two in order to cause the same amount of destruction. They set up the bombs in an equilateral triangle.

            I don’t have too much time. I set up a threat notice earlier to evacuate the soldiers, but once they figure out that there really isn’t a threat, they’ll be coming back, tearing the whole place up for intruders. I stop in one of the hallways. The lighting is dark, but it is the perfect place to plant a bomb – considering the correct measurements, the amount of destruction, the secrecy. I fly through the hallway, vigilant and alert. On the last door down, I hear the faint ticking noise. Jackpot. I kick the door down and search around the room for the stupid thing. There are packages everywhere, papers in every inch, a perfect hiding spot. Light streams down from one of the windows, bright and blinding.

            Hastily, I mess up the room even more, trying to spot the bomb. I find it in one of the boxes; pulling it out, inspecting its design and explosives, I realize time is extremely tight. Two minutes, twenty seconds.

            Shit. I don’t have time to study the bomb. I’ve got to flee. It’s going to explode; I can’t deactivate it in time. Anxious and panicky, I set it back in the box and start backing up.

            “What are you doing?” I turn around to a boy about the same age as me. His brown hair is short, almost a buzz cut, but it’s grown out a little. His green eyes bear into mine, curious and suspicious. Instead of the soldier uniform I would expect him to wear, he has on a comfortable-looking black short-sleeved shirt and brown pants.

            The nation’s golden boy is standing in front of me.

            My father’s murderer is standing in front of me.

            Before he can do anything, I am up and out of the room, nearing the exit of the building.

            He can get blown up into pieces by the bomb. He should rot in the stupid army base. He deserves to die. No, I cant let that happen.

            Before my brain can process anything, I’m running back to the room Jacob is at, intent on pulling him out to safety. One minute, five seconds. I reach the room and he’s aiming a gun at my chest. A whole ten seconds passes before I decide to ignore the gun and grab onto his wrist. “We need to get out of here!” I yell, dragging him with me. I’m running full speed, and he has no problem keeping up with me. He doesn’t shake my hand away from him in disgust, either. I continue pulling him with me as we exit the building.


            I’m guiding us to the forest area for cover.

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