"You want to expel us? Don't joke! I worked so hard to raise Orr, how could I not have the right to live here? Orr, look at what's going on, you're not even married yet and this man is already bullying me and Ram. When your father passed away, you were only 10 years old, if I hadn't taken care of you and helped you look after the estate, would you even be alive today?" Lady Assai wiped at her overflowing tears.

Zhao Xuan slowly walked out from the kitchen, a cigar dangling from his mouth and a glass of milk in his hand. He handed the boy the glass of milk, warning him that it was hot, then looked at Lady Assai, scoffing, "If my father's subordinates hadn't secretly protected me, I'm positive I would've been murdered by you in my sleep. You couldn't openly kill me, so you shipped me off to the barracks when I was 12, and every time I came back, you'd persuade me to select the most dangerous missions, saying that I'll become a great hero like my father." He spit out a puff of smoke, and said in an even more mocking tone, "Now look, you wanted me to die an early death like my father, but I really became a hero like him. I worked hard to be promoted to a General before I turned 25, all thanks to your 'encouragement'."

Lady Assai almost didn't dare listen any further. She hadn't expected Orr's IQ to also evolve, finally seeing past her previous scheming.

"Big brother, what nonsense are you spouting, mom did what was best for you, how can you say she wanted you to die early?" Jeram complained in a wronged tone.

"You still think I'm the same Orr Assai you can fool so easily?" Zhao Xuan took the time to help his sweetheart wipe the milk stains from the corner of his mouth, then said in a heavy voice, "I received some interesting news while in prison, someone paid 300 million star coins to buy my life. I have the names of those people recorded in my mind. If you don't get lost, I can just kill you now." He didn't want to kill indiscriminately, it would affect his reputation, no one wanted the most powerful person in the Empire to be a tyrant, so it's best to use legal means.

As soon as he found Nan Qing, he would make all those who once persecuted Orr pay the price.

Jeram could no longer quibble, he pulled his still dazed mother away and desperately fled the Assai estate. They understood, from now on the Assai family would no longer be their shelter, on the contrary, at some unknown time, Orr would deliver a fatal blow to them. Death was scary, but waiting for death was even more terrifying, not to mention, they'd provoked the most powerful man in the whole Asaph Galaxy.

"Pfft, finally gone. Poor pathetic Orr, if I count it, he should've been murdered no less than 10 times in his lifetime, it's a miracle he lived long enough to be swallowed by the Queen." Zhou Yun Sheng chugged the rest of his milk in one breath, then sighed in pity for that stupidly honest man. He never got to see the true colors of that mother and son before he died, he didn't know how much the family he loved so much despised him, or how much malice his supposedly closest friends had for him. His life truly was a downright tragedy.

"When he left this world, he felt he'd lived a very happy life, that's probably the best outcome for him." Zhao Xuan sucked on his cigar, and blew the smoke into the boy's mouth, seeing him sputter and cough, he laughed and picked him up, carrying him back to the room.


Once the military board intervened, the murder case quickly took a turn for the better. The Investigation Division continuously found new evidence, like proof that an outsider had interfered with the murder scene, and that Orr had residual drugs in his body when he lost consciousness, he absolutely couldn't have committed the crime. The military board and the police department were currently trying to track down the third person, and clear up Orr's reputation online. Nan Qing had a huge fan base, they were saddened by their idol's death, so they were naturally dissatisfied with the results of the military board and the police department.

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