Chapter 20 Questions Answered

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Zexia's p.o.v.

We made it to the bunker and went down the stairs. Once we made it to the bottom everyone stared at me then Kurloz. Most of the heroes got their weapons ready.

"Woah! Hold on!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOLD ON?!" Karkat yelled at me.

"KurloƵ isn't gonna hurt anyone. You can lock hiṀ up if you Ṁust but don't hurt hiṀ." I tell everyone. I nodded to Kurloz and he was taken to a prison cell. Once he was gone everyone came up to hug me. "oh my god, we were so scared that we weren't gonna see you again." Jade said.

"what happened to you dude?" Dave asked.

"I was just taken back hoṀe. Why do we all sound weird and dressed differently?" I asked confused.

"that's what we are trying to find out. we can't tell." John said

"wwhat do you havve in your hand Zexia?" Eridan ask me.

"Oh, it's Ṁy brothers book. This helped me defeat DeṀonia, it Ṁight help us with our probleṀ." I said showing them the book.

"we should give it to rose when she's wakes up." John said.

"Rose? Who's that?" I ask.

"Did someone call me?" I heard a voice say, I turned to see a blonde girl with purple eyes and was wearing and orange and yellow dress. She was standing next to Kanaya. That's the girl I saved earlier!

"Hello, I'm Rose. It's a pleasure to meet the girl that saved me from that alien demon." Rose said elegantly.

"I'Ṁ Ƶexia. It was nothing really, I'd do anything to save soṀeone in need." I said.

"rose, you should see the book. it might help change us back." John said.

"You guys just want me to read it so you all don't have to." Rose said and everyone nodded. Rose rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Mind if I?"

"Oh yeah! Here." I said, handing her the book.

"Thank you, I'll take very good care of it. I'll let you all know if I find something interesting." Rose said, walking away with Kanaya. I sat down with everyone, John was telling me about Rose and everything that had happened with her. I also gotten to know the Alpha organization. We were all questioning each other about the way we talked and what our outfits meant. I was in a purple dress with what looked like an eye in the middle of it. We were all talking until I noticed something weird while talking to Tavros.

"Hey Tavros, what's that on your neck?" I asked

"W-what do you mean?" He asked. There was a weird zodiac symbol on his neck like the one on his shirt. "dude, you got a mark on your neck." Dave commented and everyone looked at Tavros.

"Hey, II have two on my wrii2t." Sollux said. Everyone looked around their bodies to try and find where they have been marked.

 Everyone looked around their bodies to try and find where they have been marked

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