Chapter 12 Leaving

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John's p.o.v.

After Zexia left Dave, Jade and I were still waiting for our guardians to show up. It had already past 8 and my aunt hasn't gotten here yet which was very odd. I had started texting Zexia already and we were just talking about random topics until I heard a car horn. "Oh! I'll see you guys tomorrow. See ya!" I said waving goodbye to Dave and Jade and I ran up to Jane's car, getting into the passenger seat. "Sorry john, I was held up for a few minutes." Jane apologized "Its alright." I smiled to her and she smiled back. She started to drive back to our apartment while making small talk "so what did you do with your friends?" Jane asked "nothing much just played around the park with other kids." I said "that sounds fun. Did you meet anyone new today?" "Yeah actually. A troll girl, her name is Zexia and we made her a part of our group." I smiled "that's great." Jane smiled for a second but it soon faded. "Hey, is everything alright Jane?" I asked, worried about her "yeah, I just have to tell you something." She said hesitantly "we have to go on a trip..."

"Uh ok, how long are we gonna be gone?"

"I don't know..." she said. Now I was getting worried

"When are we leaving?" I asked

"Tonight." She said and we parked in the front of our apartment building.

"Tonight! But why?!" I asked "John look, something happened and we are not safe here anymore. I just need you to cooperate and get your stuff, we will come back for the rest when we find another place to stay." I couldn't believe what she was saying. Is this really happening?! "Jane just tell me what's wrong and maybe I can help." I said trying to stay calm. We get out of our car and go towards our apartment. "John I'm sorry, I never wanted this to happen but I made a promise to keep you safe and that is what I'm going to do."

"Jane just please tell me what happened!" I yelled

"I can't!" She yelled back which made me jump. She was never this angry before. "I'm sorry John, I promise to tell you everything when we get back in the car."

"Ok..." after Jane unlocked the door I went straight to my room and packed up some clothes and other stuff into a old blue backpack I had. Once my bag was full I left my room and closed my door, I was going to go straight to Jane's room but I heard a weird noise coming from the living room. I walked quietly through the hall and looked around the corner and saw Jane pulling out thousands of dollars worth of money from under the floorboard. I walked around the corner and stood there shocked "Jane?" She quickly looked up at me and put the last of the money in her bag. "Hey John, are you ready?" She asked quickly putting the floorboard back into its same old spot "Jane, where did you get that money?" I asked "John, don't panic." "What do you mean don't panic? Why were you hiding away money!" I asked again getting angry "John it's not what you think. I said I will tell you everything when we get into the ca-"

"No Jane, I want to know now. I know you have been keeping secrets from me and I want to know now!" I yelled. She looked down then back up at me

"John listen, I only wanted what was best for you. I never intended to live in a place like this and my number one priority was to keep you safe. So please, if you just come with me I promise to tell you everything. I won't leave out a single detail." She said sincerely. I need to know what she's been hiding so I have no other choice. "Fine, but you have to tell me everything." I said and waited by the door. After Jane got her bag with some of her stuff we walked back to the car and put our stuff in the trunk. I went straight to the passenger seat and waited for Jane to get in. Once she did I turned to her "now tell me everything."

"Ok. When your father told me to take care of you I tried my hardest to give you everything you want. My job wasn't paying me enough so I found a new one, I didn't like it but it got me good money. I wasn't ever going to tell my boss but I was planning on saving enough money so we could leave and go somewhere, where it's safer." Jane said "Jane I could've help you. You didn't have to do it alone." "I know. I just didn't want to drag you into anything." She said and we stayed quiet, after a minute Jane turned on the car and I pulled out my phone and started texting everyone that I was leaving.

"So! Where are we going?" A voice said behind me. I jumped and turned around and saw roxy.

"Roxy?!" Jane yelled

"Hey Jane!"

"What are you doing here?!" Jane yelled

"I was sent here. Dirk thought that you were acting weird when you left so he asked me to go and find you!" Roxy said, wait isn't Dirk, Dave's brother?

"Oh is this your nephe- John?!" Roxy yelled confused "Hey Roxy." I waved awkwardly "wait, how do you know each other?" Jane asked "John is a friend of my little sister." Roxy said with a glimpse of sadness in her eyes but she was still smiling. "I didn't know you were John's aunt." Roxy said "when did you meet Roxy and Dirk?" I asked Jane "oh we meet two days ago! Along with Jake and a few of our other friends!" Roxy smiled "Roxy!" Jane yelled "I thought you said you were at work?" I said "I was." Jane said. Everyone was asking each other questions and honestly it was confusing me. We all argued until a loud thud was heard from on top of the car roof. Everyone stayed silent, everything was quiet.

"I'll check what it is." Roxy whispered to us

"Are you insane! We don't know what's out there!" Jane whispered yell

"Well we can't just sit here!" Roxy whisper yelled back

"No but we can drive." Jane said and quickly pulled out of the driveway and started to speed away. Whatever was on the top of the car was holding on to dear life. Jane then went down a empty road and stop the car, throwing off a person from the top of the roof and onto the ground a few feet of us. We all were breathing heavily and the body didn't move at all.

"Are they dead?" Roxy asked

"I don't know." Jane said

"Well we have to check if they're alright." I said and got out the car and ran up to the person. The closer I got I started to notice that it was a girl troll. In the background I could hear my aunt and Roxy yelling for me but something seemed familiar with this troll. I put my hand on her shoulder and immediately she stood up and grabbed my arm. I got pulled to her chest and she had a knife up to my neck. I saw my aunt and Roxy get out of the car worriedly. "Vriska, let him go." Jane said. Wait Vriska?!

"Sorry, no can do Jane. You see you have betrayed your team and now your nephew is going to have to pay the price." Vriska laughed in a evil tone "Let him go and no one gets hurt." Roxy said pulling out a gun. Isn't that one of Jake's pistols?

"I'm not scared of your little toy. Plus if you hurt me then Jane's nephew dies." Vriska smirk which made Roxy withdraw. "Now if you excuse me, I have a team to get back too." Vriska smirked and a blackness started surrounding us. The last thing I saw was my aunt until I blacked out.

Jane's p.o.v.

I saw Vriska and John being surrounded by a black tornado. It sucked them up and they disappeared right in front of my eyes. I started to panic "John? John! JOHN!" I yelled. Where did he go? Where did she take him?! "Jane, everything thing will be ok. Calm down." "Calm down! My nephew was taken away by a crazy spider girl and I have no idea where they are!" I yelled "Jane! We will find him. Come with me back to the organization and I promise you we can help." Roxy said "how do I know your telling the truth?!" I yelled again "Jane, not once have I lied to you. Why would I now?" Roxy said and I started to calm down "fine." I said and we got into the car and drove to the bunker.

Please be ok John.

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