Chapter 3 Hell Crew

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(WARNING! Some gross content near the end. Not smut or anything bloody just gross and sickening. You have been warned! Also enjoy the song!)

Gamzee's p.o.v.

Hey there motherfuckers! I'm gamzee makara also known as the trickster! My brother, kurloz and I came up with the hell crew. The reason is because we were treated horribly for the way we looked and for who we were, no matter where we went someone treated us both terribly. So we can up with the hell crew. We wanted revenge and we attend to give it to all of the human race, tho there's someone in the makara family who haven't seen humanity the way that we seen it. That would be me and kurloz's little sister.

Our little sister zexia is an innocent little girl and as good brothers we are we protect her, and by that we actually kept her from ever leaving the house.

We just want what's best for her but kurloz and I decided that when she's ready she will join us in the hell crew. It's gonna be like a family job to conquer the world, fun right? Anyways, my partner Jane and I were on our way to a bank down on elm road, it was close to the center on New York. I would usually send Jane alone on a mission but this was a big bank and we usually do smaller bank robberies together but this was a step up for us. Everyone else was scattered around town doing their jobs like usual. I just hope we get lucky and no one gets caught.

Jane's p.o.v.

Hey, I'm Jane or as some people call me, janeyquin. Your probably wondering why I'm here and not on the hero side. Well that's a long story. I was never usually the most like-able girl in school, I was bullied by other girls at times and I would always keep to myself. Well not always, I have a little nephew name john. Just a few years ago johns dad past away and he had asked me to watch over john before he past which I gladly accepted but as months went by and my job not paying me enough I had to another find a way to make more money. So I joined the hell crew and partnered with their leader the trickster but the only missions I usually do are robbery missions, sometimes by myself or with the trickster.

But what the trickster doesn't know is that I've been saving up some of the money he gives me after the mission. Soon john and I will have enough so we can have a fresh start. We will run away from this horrible town and start a new life where nothing bad happens. I know he will be leaving his friends but I only want what's best for him and his safety.

He had told me what happened to his friend rose, saying something about her disappearing and I don't want that to happen to john. One day he'll be next to me and then poof! He's gone the next. I don't want that to happen. But I don't want him knowing I'm a villain. I never want him to become someone like me or worst, get hurt because of me.

All I have to do is a few more bank robberies then I'll finally have enough for john and I. All I want is him to be safe. I'm actually scared right now, wondering what he is doing at home.

Rose's p.o.v.

Hello, My name is rose Lalonde but I don't have enough time to talk for long. I'll just tell you my story so you understand why I'm here.

~story time~

I had just got back from a mission and I was slightly tired but instead of resting I went to the lab to say hi to Jade. But the only person I saw was aradia. She was working on some mysterious black goop that Dave and john had found the other day. Luckily they were careful and they picked up the black goop with safety gloves. Anyways, aradia was doing experience on the goop until she saw me.

"Oh, hello rose."

"Hello aradia. How are you?"

"Eh, not so good. I can't find out what this black goop can do and I don't know if it's good or bad." She said, staring at the black goop. The goop was still for a few seconds until it started moving all on its own and it looked like it was coming towards me.

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