Gochi Gang Meets Reality

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The whole gang woke up in Kale's apartment the next morning, and late. Kale, the boss, was the first up and first to realize that they had school in 30 minutes.
"Let's go! Get changed! Principal Phillips will kill us if we don't get there on time!!" Everyone was up in a flash. Other than Cleo having a bad crack headache, no one was in serious trouble. Ash quickly threw on an oversized white hoodie from Dallas and skinny jeans she stole from Tay. Evan was quickly in his clothes from the night before, the same white t-shirt, leather jacket, blue jeans, and combat boots. Dallas threw on some button up shirt and a pair of khaki shorts he stole off of someone. Tay grabbed Ash's black t-shirt and threw on her shorts from the night before.
Cleo grabbed a huge t-shirt from Dallas' room and put on some sweatpants with sneakers. Shane was quickly in all black: a black shirt, black jacket, black skinny jeans, black shoes. Grayson grabbed a t-shirt, a blue Kansas City sweatshirt, and some long basketball shorts. Kale got on some camo shirt from who knows where and his military pants with the camo bandana on his face. Royal simply got in a Star Wars Chewbacca t-shirt with jeans and sneakers. They grabbed their backpacks and ran down the stairs and out into the air.
The first thing they noticed where the police cars. Lots of them. But not a single was trying to get into Kale's apartment.
"What's goin' on?" Tay asked. Kale shook his head and headed over toward Royal.
"Do your thing man. Act sweet and get us that info. We'll head to school and meet you there." Royal nodded and ran toward a group of cops, his uncombed hair flying everywhere as he ran. Kale snickered and Dallas stifled a laugh. That was how they got all their info, their pot, weed, and even money. Royal. He looked so sweet, so innocent. For a 12-year-old boy, he was just too cute. He looked like a 7th grader by height, a shorter one, but not by much. He was barely 5 foot.
"Those suckers." Grayson chuckled. "They'll never know." The gang jaywalked across the street and then ran down the sidewalk, tossing a piece of pipe they found on the ground. Several pedestrians yelled at them to quit it, but they didn't. At one point, Ash got it and pretended to chuck it at a lady with her little daughter. The lady ducked and the little girl let out a huge scream, but when they looked, Ash still had the pipe.
"Pathetic. And so gullible." She threw the pipe to Shane and then headed toward the front of the pack with Tay.
They arrived at their school, Northeast High School in Kansas City, Missouri, within ten minutes of Ash's pipe stunt. Right as the bell rang. But of course, no one cared. And they weren't about to go to class either. They planned on going out to the back, to the playground that was never used. They'd smoke something or maybe have a drink or two. Maybe go to a single class, but mostly harass the teachers and students. Maybe pull out a switchblade. All the kids in the gang carried one. Kale had liked the idea from the book Outsiders.
"So, anyone got a Malabro on them?" Cleo asked as they walked down the emptying halls. Everyone groaned as Evan grabbed a pack and gave it to her.
"If you smoke more than that by Friday, well, you ain't gettin' anymore from me." Cleo took one out and put it in her mouth, then looked sheepishly at Ash.
"Do you have a lighter on you?" Ash groaned, rolled her eyes, and pulled out a box of matches. She grabbed one out of the box and lit it.
"Hold out the cig." Cleo held it out and Ash lit it. She then proceeded to "accidentally" touch Cleo with the lit part, leaving a little ring of burnt flesh. Cleo howled and nearly dropped her cigarette. Everyone laughed and headed toward the back door, a straight shot through the cafeteria and then the senior hall.
They got about halfway through the senior hall when they were stopped by the principal. He wore a dark blue suit with a white undershirt and a black tie, dark blue slacks, and dress shoes. He had a normal face with a little bit bigger nose and a mostly full head of brown hair with a receding hairline.
"Well, if it isn't Kale and Dallas. How is your little gang?" He asked. This wasn't the principal we remembered.
"Who are you?" Ash walked up a few steps from the back, reaching back for her switchblade. Kale-who was on the left side of the group, Dallas on the right-reached his hand back. She nodded and then pulled her hood up, looking down. She really pulled out a dark blue bandana and tied it to her face.
"My name is Phillip Colson. I'm your new principal. And may I say, you're late for class." Kale scoffed.
"We ain't late for nothing." Tay gave Ash a look as Shane pulled out his bandana. The principal crossed his arms and looked right at us.
"Are you sure?"
"Kale!!!" A yell echoed down the hall. It was Royal. Kale turned around and looked at him.
"Hey buddy! How are you?" The principale looked at us in shock as he ran in.
"You didn't tell me you were coming back from deployment yet, or Dallas, or Shane, or Ash!" The principal was thoroughly confused.
"What's going on here?" Kale looked at the principal.
"I'm his big brother, and these are my quats. Were quatuplites." The principal scratched his head.
"You're listed as current students." Shane shook his head.
"Not us. We've been in a war zone since last year. We're here on leave with some friends. And I just dropped by to see Royal. You should be in class buddy!" Royal laughed and then ran down the hall to his classroom. Colson looked at the group for a moment then sighed.
"Alright, now you need to leave." They nodded and headed back toward the main office. As soon as Colson was out of sight, the group ran right back down the hall and then outside. A quick turn right and they were at the playground.
Except, there were people on the playground. Not playing, just lying around in various positions. There was a baby lying on someone in black pajama's stomach, a boy in blue pajama's and a girl in gray pajama's next to him. An older lady was lying next to a blonde kid and there were two others, one of them being a robot.
"Holy shit." Ash mused. Evan just looked at her worried. Everyone else looked around for a moment. Then slowly, the guy with the baby woke up.
"Whoa, what?" It took him a moment to register, but when he did, he was not happy at all.
"Who are you, people?"
"Who the hell are you?" Kale screamed, jumping back. The baby woke up along with almost everyone else.
"Who are you?"
"Holy shit can we just go home!!!??"
"What's shit?" Everyone stopped when the blonde asked the question.
"Okay. We know one thing," Dallas muttered. "These people have no idea what cursing is!!!"
"What is wrong with them?" Cleo asked. I shook my head and lit a cigurett.
"No idea..." Suddenly, Royal burst out the side door screaming.
"Guys, guys! I know why the police cars were there last night!!" He ran over to us and looked Evan right in the eye. "There were these weird guys in gang clothes chasing people in pajama's and some weird dude with black skin and purple blood screaming about killing the ninja." He looked over and saw the people sprawled all over the playground. "Hey it's them!"
"No dip Sherlock!" Tay said cruely. "I think we noticed when we saw them lying on a playground NO ONE USES!"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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