High and Time

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"Who... Who's there?" A voice tremored. The two teens looked up into the tree to see the ninja, Garmadon, Misako, and Harumi dangling from different angles and appendages. 
"Holy shit." The girl muttered. The boy pulled the revolver up. 
"Holy shit! Do I shot?" The girl looked at him, panic etched on her pale face. 
"Just do it, bitch!" The gun went off several times. Luckily, having only owned the gun a few days he was a pretty lousy shot. 
"Youch!" Someone, a female yelped. The two teens backed up, the boy still holding the gun. 
"Evan, I need you to promise me something." His face was gleaming with sweat. 
"What is it Ash?" He asked impatiently. 
"Well... if they drop, run!" She turned and sprinted away as fast as she could. Back toward the grate they had been working on. Ash quickly grabbed a small graffiti designed backpack and ran toward the crosswalk out of the park they were in. As she turned around to find Evan, a bright flash of blue caught her eye. 
"Evan you bastard where are you?!??!" She screamed. 
"Look up bitch!" Evan screamed as he ran right past her at breakneck speed. She looked up to see people in gang clothes falling from the sky and into the trees and on the ground. That was it. She grabbed the bag and ran right out of the park, passing Evan on her way out. 
"Get movin' bitchy! Or we may not see tomorrow!" 
"Shut up you whore!" Evan yelled up as she sprinted down the sidewalk. Several cars honked as they jaywalked an intersection. And several more skidded as they ran in front in the middle of ongoing traffic. The two teens ran as if their lives depended on it. 
They continued a little ways down the block toward an apartment building. Once there they sprinted up several flights of stairs and down a hall. Ash turned sharp and smashed into a door marked 509 as she opened it. It was dimly lit by the slightly open curtains and smelled of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and weed. Inside where several other teens. One or two were smoking and several were drinking. 
"Close the god damn door man!" One of the larger, burlier boys yelled. Evan slammed the door shut and locked it. 
"You won't believe what we saw out there!" He screamed. There were these bastards in biker clothes falling from a blue hole in the sky!" 
"What have you been smoking lately Ev. You sure you're okay?" Evan shook his head. 
"Shane, I'm not joking. You can see the fucking hole from here!" 
"Woah Evan easy..." Another big burly guy without a shirt and lose low jeans walked toward the window. A beer bottle in his left hand a weed pipe in his right. "Ol Dallas will check it out." From the bedroom on the right of the ill-lit apartment came a girl in nothing but a gray oversized t-shirt and slippers, her long brown hair covered her face. And with her came a stocky guy with a square jaw, balled up knuckles, cool clear blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and plenty of small scars, wearing nothing but his boxers. 
"Holy shit the bitch wasn't kidding! There really is a hole in the sky!" The stocky boy ran over and pushed Dallas out of the way. 
"What is it, baby?" The girl asked seductively. Ash made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat. 
"Shut your trap barbie or I'll rip your head off your neck! You were standing off in the bed with Grayson again weren't you?" The girl got right up in Ash's face. 
"I was not Ashlyn!" 
"Were to Cora Cleontra McCallister!" 
"Leave Cleo out of this!" The stocky kid ran over and grabbed Ash by the neck of her jacket. She was pulled up with it, grabbing at her neck and trying to keep herself from choking. Her black t-shirt came up enough to show off several tattoos and a few belly button piercings. 
"Let me go, Grayson, you bastard!" She screamed. 
"Enough!" The first guy, the one in an old stained t-shirt and sweats walked over to Grayson.
"Put Ash down Gray!" Ash dropped to the floor. 
"Yes, boss." He grumbled. Boss looked around. 
"alright! Everyone calm down! Just have a drink, take a smoke, get drunk for all I fucking care! Just leave each other alone!" 
"Uh..." A girl appeared from the corner. She had dark brown skin with long dark brown hair in tiny little braids that went to her waist. She wore a peach-colored see-through crop top and booty shorts with some sort of gray fringe topped booty. "We're still waiting for Royal to get his ass over here with the vodka and smokes." 
"I hate that little shit. How long has he been gone, Tay?" 
"He never showed up, Kale." She growled. Suddenly, the apartment door opened and a skinny little kid with blonde hair, green eyes and freckles came in wearing a Star Wars t-shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts. He carried in a box labeled Science Project with a few names written on it. There were a few pieces of paper and some wires or something sticking out of that box. 
"Got em'. Sorry, it took so long." He put the box on the floor and opened it up. Once he removed the crap from the top everyone could see the beer, vodka, and multiple packs of cigarettes. 
"Royal you little bitch," Ash walked over and grabbed a bottle of beer. "You actually did it this time." Dallas walked over. 
"My little bitch Ash." He gave Royal a nugy. "JK little bro. Love ya and thanks." Royal grabbed a red solo cup and one of the vodka bottles. Several others went for the packs of cigarettes, taking multiple and shoving them into their pants of bags. Tay grabbed hers and retreated into the corner. 
"Man..." Boss pulled out a plastic bag full of white powder. "Have I got a treat tonight. Some ass got busted right next to me and I stole this right out of the police car. Replaced it with some powdered sugar." Everyone reached for the bag but Boss pulled it back. "I get the first dip." He pulled out several pipes and pour some into his. He then passed the bag and pipes down. Grayson got the bag next, then Tay. The remaining kids quickly formed a little circle, waiting their turns. 
Finally, everyone had some. Boss had already started smoking his and was pretty much high. Several others were smoking and drinking and in a total bliss. Ash and Evan both had way too much of the white stuff and were both getting close to drunk. So drunk and so high, they forgot about everything that had happened that day. 
And man was it about to get weirder. 

"Lloyd..." Nya moaned, holding her arm as the ninja jumped down from the tree. "My arm has a little hole in it." Misako jumped down and ran over. 
"What is this?" She asked. Nya groaned. Suddenly, a loud roaring wind picked up. The ninja, Harumi, and Garmadon looked up. 
"What the!" Kai quickly jumped out of the way as Mr. E fell from the sky right where he had been. Jay jumped aside as someone fell near him. And so did Zane. The ninja soon started running away from them, into the unfamiliar maze that they were in. 
"Where are we?" Cole asked, looking up at the buildings as they ran. Cars honked at them. People hung out of car windows and apartments to look at them. Some people screamed at them, others cursed, and even others just stared. 
"It's not in my database," Zayne whispered. "I have no idea where we are." 
"Well I do know one thing," Lloyd muttered. "We're not in Ninjago anymore."

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