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The problem with my current predicament is that they never intended for me to be a part of it

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The problem with my current predicament is that they never intended for me to be a part of it. The problem with me tagging along was that Dick didn't want me to in the first place. He was only trying to protect me but I wouldn't listen to reason. I shouldn't have gone and now I'm suffering the consequences and Dick is too afraid to come see me. Too afraid to really see how damaged I am now because of the mission.

I never meant to let him down. I never meant to let the team down. They all knew that I would not have handled it well but I was too hard headed to see that it was not something I should have pushed to attend. Especially after my dearest friend's death. After Failsafe. I was stupid to not listen. Incredibly ignorant.

I stared down at the metal that replaced my biceps, my forearms, my hands. My leg was gone, replaced with the same metal. I would not be able to shift again according to my own thoughts. The tears rose slower than usual. The heartbreak was more painful. I should have listened. Why didn't I listen?

Sucking in a breath, I clenched and unclenched my hands, watching as the metal squeaked against each other. There was no pain, no flesh to squeeze or fidget with. They were cold and hard.

I should have listened.

NightShade [d.g.] |REWRITING|Where stories live. Discover now