Chapter Four

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So today I got to know Andrew a little better. And he seemed like a nice guy. I think I can trust him. And Monica? Definitely not. After what I heard from Danielle and Louise, I know that I should stay away from her and her group. Maybe I can hang around Nancy and her friends. They seemed nice enough. I should invite Danielle and Louise too. They were really nice to me and they don't deserve the treatment they're getting. I guess maybe things are starting to make sense to me.

I put my pen down. Yes, I liked what I had written. Maybe one day I would look back at it and smile. Now I also felt satisfied.

After putting my journal in one of my drawers, I changed into my pjs and hopped into my bed. Thoughts of all the people I had met in the past two days flooded into my head before I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


The next day at school was definitely an eventful one. Here's what happened to me:

"Hey! Louise!" I called, when I saw the familiar face in the hallway the next day. She noticed me and started to run away. I dashed after her.

When I finally caught up to her, I tugged on her arm.

"Louise! Where are you going?" I asked, panting a little.

"Adriana, I'm sorry! I have to go! I don't know what Monica what do if she saw me talking to you!" She stopped when she saw my face. "No offense."

"No offense taken." I said. "But Monica isn't here? Why are you hiding from me?" She brushed my hand off of her arm and scanned the hallway with wide eyes.

"So? She has connections. Anyone could see me here and report to her." She explained. I rolled my eyes. Very Monica.

"Fine." I growled. I grabbed Lousie' arm again and pulled her into the janitor's closet, which happened to be only a few feet from us. I locked the door and turned on the light. "There. We're alone now. Now can you talk to me."

"I-I guess so," she said after a moment of hesitation. "So, what do you want?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering how yesterday went. Did Monica ask?" I wondered.

"Oh, she came back like an hour later and we told her that it was over and that you had run away horrified. She believed us. We told you we would come up with something. You don't have to worry, Adriana." She said, like it was no big deal. Which it was.

"Okay." I felt a little more relived now, because I had been feeling nervous about that for a long time now. It was a huge weight off my shoulders. "Now come outside with me. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. You should stand up to Monica, you know. You'd be more than welcome to hang out with me." I offered, when I realized I wasn't really part of a group yet.

"I don't know, Adriana. She can do anything. Embarrass us maybe?" She said.

"She won't do anything. I wouldn't let her." I said, trying to sound strong. "Now come outside with me. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. You're safe with me." She nodded, and slowly walked out, hiding behind me a little. "Come on Lousie. You can do it." I encouraged her.

"Okay. Sorry." She shook her head and looked up, standing a little taller than before. I smiled to myself. Then I noticed Nate and Oliver skipping down the hallway, holding hands and singing Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble." Louise and I started both laughing.

"What up with them?" I giggled.

"You don't know? Oh right, Danielle wouldn't let me tell you yesterday. I'll tell you now, just don't tell her I told you, okay?" She said, and I nodded. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "They're both gay." I covered my mouth. I guess that made a lot of sense now, but still it was a lot to process. I'd never really been around anyone gay before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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