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Dear Old Friend,

I'm writing to you today to show you how every love story has no end, or beginning. I want you to learn how love will always be there with us, through all of our journeys. And whether or not we notice it, we will have it, and we will use it.

Just like any other love story, ours has had ups, downs, and loops in it. But in the end, everything is supposed to turn out right. But that only happens sometimes.

So, as per your request, I'm going to start our story.

I had never really believed in true love. It was just that rumor, that every girl got excited about, and wanted it to happen to them. But it didn't. Hopefully, sooner or later, they would realize that, and move on.

I felt like that one smart person, who knew that it was fake. Just every girl's dream, that their Prince Charming would come and take them away. But I was so, so wrong.

No, he wasn't dressed in shining armor, and he wasn't that cliché beautiful boy, but he was there. Waiting.

And as I mentioned earlier, no real love story has an end or a beginning, so I'm just going to start this from the best place possible.

It was late April. The eighth grade school year was almost over, and after having a fun field day, I was walking home from school with my two best friends, Heather and Morgan. We were happily chatting about the day, and how much fun we were going to have next year in high school.

"Can you believe that we don't have field day next year?" Morgan, who was on my right, complained.

"Yea! It stinks, doesn't it? Field day is like the one day of school that is actually fun!" Heather groaned.

"Guys, it doesn't matter! We're going to go to high school next year! Can you believe it! And the best part is that we're going to be there together!" I exclaimed. Wow, I wish I knew that it was all going to change.

"That's so true. Morgan, tell me why we can't ever think like Adriana?" Heather said, and we all laughed.

"You both wish that you could be as smart as me. But sadly, you're not." I giggled.

"Yea, we do." Morgan agreed. As we approached her house, she whispered "But we all know that I'm better than her at about everything else."

"Sure you are," I patted her back and she left after a quick goodbye.

"So what are your plans for the summer?" Heather asked me.

"I don't know, relax, hang out, maybe go to summer camp? You?" I said.

"I don't know, but I know that I'm gonna be hanging out at my dad's country club!" Oh yea. Heather had a really rich dad who owned a country club. Heather, Morgan, and I liked to hang out there in the summer.

"Well that's fun!" I said.

"Sure, I guess. But now you guys can't be with me." Morgan and I had gotten banned from the club because we had been going there too much.

"Yea. Well, my house is here. I'll see you tomorrow." I said quickly and walked inside casually. My dad was standing in front of the door, with an expression I couldn't decipher. "What's up?" I asked.

"Apple, honey, I need to talk to you." He said worriedly. Uh oh. He only said that when something was wrong.

"What happened? Is everything all right?" I questioned.

"Everything okay, it's just..." He sounded a little tense.

"What? What happened dad?" I said, louder.

"Adrianna, this summer we will be moving to California." He said it like it was no big deal. "I transferred jobs and your mother had a feeling that a change of scenery would be great for all of us."

My jaw dropped. I would be leaving all my friends, teachers, neighbors, just because of my dad's stupid job?

"Excuse me? And when did you plan on telling me?" I yelled.

"Um... Now?" My mom had just walked in.

"Mom! We can't move! What about Heather and Morgan? We were supposed to go to high school together! And what about my art classes? And swim team?" I started to protest.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner, we just weren't sure how you would.. Handle it." She said.

"Oh so you think I can't handle stuff like this? We're moving, for goodness' sake! Halfway across the country! That's it! I'm leaving!" I screamed while throwing my hands up into the air, and I stomped into my room.

I didn't know what to do. Call my friends? No, this was a better thing to do face to face. I would have to tell them tomorrow. Then what should I do? Of course.

I grabbed my journal, which was sitting on top of my bed, waiting to be used. I flipped to a new page and began writing.

So today my parents told me that we are going to be moving. Let me be honest. I'm not handling it well. But who would? Leaving everything I have here? I've lived here all my life! My parents can't just make me leave like this! It's just.. Wrong. My whole life is here. I don't want to move. I can't! I need to stay here. This is home. I need to show my parents that.

I slammed the book shut, and put it down. That's right. I was going to stay here.

Well, I was wrong. My parents made me move anyway. And I think it would be safe to say that it was the worst summer of my life.


Well, here's the prologue! I know it's a little short, and I haven't hit my word goal for today yet, so I'm probably going to start Chapter One but not post it until tomorrow.

Oh, and I barely edited this, so sorry if there are weird mistakes and stuff.

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