Chapter One

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I wouldn't be surprised if I discovered actual butterflies living in my stomach. First day of school jitters much? Being the new girl was a tough thing. These kids had been together since preschool. And I was a freshman.

As I pushed my way through, hoping to look as inconspicuous as possible, I began to realize that those movies, and stories were real. High school really was a dangerous place.

Teenagers were everywhere. Talking, hanging out, doing whatever teenagers do. I guess I should have expected that, but I had been to nervous to realizes that there would be lots of kids there. And my clumsiness caused me bump into one of them.

"Oops! I'm so sorry!" I said, to the huge body standing in front of me. Expecting the tall guy to yell at me, I took a step back. Instead, he gave me a warm smile.

"It's okay! You weren't looking where you were going. So, are you new here or something? You look lost." He said in a friendly tone.

"Yea, I am. Can you help me get to room 252?" I asked in a polite way.

"Of course I can! Come with me. I'm Nate, by the way. Junior." He told me.

"Cool. I'm Adriana. Freshman."

"Yea, I thought so. Maybe I should-" He was interrupted by a guy walking toward us.

"Hey man!" He said.

"Hey Oliver!" Nate turned towards me. "This is Oliver. Oliver, this is Adriana." I gave him a small wave and looked away. When I look back at the boys, their faces are awkwardly close.

"Um.." I said.

"Adriana, why don't you come here? My sister is in your class and maybe she can show you the way."

"Okay." I answer.

He takes me to a blonde haired girl sitting with two of her friends.

"Monica, this is Adriana. She's new. I was hoping that maybe you could take her in and show her around a bit?" Nate asked her.

"Of course we could!" She flashes me a fake smile. "Hello Adriana! I'm Monica, and these are my friends Kyla and Johanna. They both waved to me.

Suddenly, I felt sick. These girls were all barely covered. They were all wearing short shorts and tank tops. Me and my capris and t-shirt probably looked so lame to them.

"Hello! Welcome to our school!" Kyla greeted me.

"Thanks! This place is much bigger than the place I went to last year, and it has much more students! It's a good thing-"

"Woah woah woah new girl. Don't talk too much, you don't want to be labelled as boring around here." The one named Johanna said in a sickly sweet tone. I rolled my eyes. Typical popular girls.

"Don't worry, I won't." I said in an equally sweet tone.

"Guys we gotta get to class. We can continue this conversation later." Monica said. "Adriana, you can follow us."

Feeling a little left out because all three girls kept whispering without including me, I just followed them silently.

When I walked into the classroom, all three girls quickly took seats at a table. I was about to join them, when a redhead pushed me out of the way.

"Never in a million years," she said, and sat there. Now that their table was filled up, I had nowhere to sit. I noticed a girl sitting at a table alone in the back of the classroom.

"Hello, is this seat taken?" I asked her, pointing to the seat next to her.

"No, no it isn't." She said shyly.

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