Chapter 3: You can't start a revolution without coffee

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New York:

The three young heroes walk through an alleyway, laughing and talking.

Kamala: Did you see her face?

Miles, imitating Ebony Maw: 'My name isn't Squidward!' Ha, classic...

Sam laughs, but then suddenly, goes quiet. After a bit, he speaks.

Sam: Guys... I think we should reveal our identities...

Kamala: Wait, what? Why?

Sam: Well, Thanos will come after us soon. I trust you guys. Do you trust me?

The 3 walk in silence for a minute, and then Kamala stops.

Kamala: He's right...

She takes a deep breath, and then takes off her mask.

Sam: Kamala?

Kamala, looking confused: Do I know you?

Sam removes his helmet, and Kamala lets out a small gasp.

Miles: Wait, what? How is this possible?

He takes off his mask.

The 3 look at each other in shock. Kamala starts laughing, and soon the boys start laughing too.

Kamala: What were the odds that, not only do we know each other, but that we are all friends?

Sam: Well, isn't that lucky!

Miles: Wait till Michelle finds-

Miles stops laughing. Suddenly all of them come to a realisation.

Kamala: We should meet up later. How is tomorrow 5 o'clock, at the Starbucks next to the Empire State Building?

Sam and Miles nod, before the three friends went their own ways.


Staten Island:

Kamala walks into her house. Her father has left a note:

'Sorry, I had to leave to help a client, will be home soon.'

Kamala, muttering: Nice one, MJ...

She walks into her room, and flips open her laptop.

1 new email:


Subject: Hello, Kamala

Hello Kamala,

This is CM(you know who I am), I was wondering if we could meet up sometime, you know discuss our plans...

This is my phone no. 22222222.


Kamala: Hey Captain, me and my friends, (the Nova, and the spider guy) were planning on meeting up tomorrow at starbucks. Wanna join?

Carol: Sure, and I'll bring the other Avengers, if that's ok?

Kamala: Whatever you want! I am your biggest fan!!!!

Carol: Well, that is flattering. See you 2morrow kid.

Kamala: See you soon Captain!!!!!!

Kamala calls up Michelle

Michelle: Wassup girl?

Kamala: Hey, wanna hang tomorrow after school? Sam, Miles and I were planning a Starbucks run.

Michelle: Sure, I'll meet you there.

Kamala: 'Kay, bye.

Kamala disconnects.

She stares out her window, longingly. She is thinking about Sam and Miles. Unbeknownst to her, they are thinking of her too.


Starbucks- New York:

Miles, Sam, Kamala, and Michelle walk into the cafe.

The Ex-Avengers are already sitting and chatting at a table in the back.

Kamala: Mind if we join you?

Carol's face lights up when she sees Kamala.

Carol: Kamala! It's so good to see you. Have a seat.

Kamala: Sure, I'm just gonna make a coffee run. Anyone want anything.

Tony, looking around at the others: Lattes?

They all nod, except Carol.

Carol: I'll take a Cappuccino.

Kamala: Cool... Guys? Michelle?

Miles: We'll come with you... Michelle looks like she is gonna faint...

The four of them move towards the counter.

Michelle, whispering: You told me we came to have coffee... Not to start a revolution.

Kamala: We can have both. After all, I refuse to revolt, unless I get myself some coffee.

Michelle looks disbelieving.

Michelle: You can't be serious. This was dangerous enough when it was just you. The last time the Avengers fought Thanos... Well... i... we lost someone we... cared about...

Kamala suddenly looks concerned. Michelle tears up slightly.

Kamala: You knew... Spiderman...

Michelle nods.

Michelle: His name was Peter. He disappeared on a class trip. When I went looking for him... I found out...Ned disappeared as well. And I was alone again.

Miles: Michelle... why didn't you tell us?

Michelle: Well, I have a certain reputation. To everyone else I'm Michelle Jones. She doesn't have feelings... I couldn't let something like that effect you guys. The snap had its effect on all of us. One of us had to stay strong...

Sam: Michelle... Of course you have feelings. In the wise words of Winona Ryder: "If you were happy everyday of your life, you wouldn't be a human. You would be a game show host." It's our job, as your friends, to help you. But, you have to speak your mind with us.

Kamala: Yeah... Wait, didn't she kill like 3 people in that movie?

Michelle laughs.

Michelle: So, we're really doing this?

Kamala: Yeah...

Michelle: New suit?

Kamala: Sure, why not?

The four of them link arms, and order their coffees.



A hooded figure slinks in the shadows, trying to avoid the soldiers. When they lift their hood, it reveals the Black Panther. The mask slowly fades revealing the face of a young girl.

Shuri: Okoye... come. The coast is clear.

The two women carefully run towards a ship, and go inside.

Okoye: Shuri, you know where to go?

Shuri: Yes, Okoye. I went with my brother a couple times.

Okoye: Well then, let's go find the Avengers.


Soooo, cool news! I will be running for the Watty's. So, if you like this story chevk out my other story: The KIA Chronicles. Please vote for me, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


(P.S:my account name is now LadyMarvel2023)

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