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A sudden thud caused me to hit my head against a wall, waking me up from my unconsciousness. The piercing pain throbbing in my head was all I felt when my eyes had opened. It felt as if I had been knocked out for hours, I felt extremely groggy.

"Ouch," I groaned. I tried to reach for my head but both my hands had been tied up behind me. What the heck was going on?

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed when I saw my feet had been tied together as well with a cheap rope. Was I being kidnapped? It was then when I realized what happened earlier. I had in fact been kidnapped by a mysterious man and I was still stuck in the van I was forced into.

I observed my surroundings warily. It was dark, but the streetlights radiating from the back doors brought some light to the small space.

I yelled for someone to get me out, but I had no response so I kept continuing. Just then, the van came to an abrupt stop after probably turning out of the main lane. I could hear somebody open their door and slam it shut after stepping out. The footsteps approached the back doors where I was and suddenly, they opened.

"Shut the fuck up, will you?" The hooded man from earlier scolded. His voice sparked a sense of familiarity within me but I couldn't quite pinpoint who it was exactly. 

"Let me out of here!!!" I yelled, tugging away from him. The man barely climbed in and pulled out another goddamn injection with the same drug he used to knock me out.

"No!! Get that away from me!!!" I cried while trying to fight him off with my tied up feet. The man was obviously at an advantage and managed to stick the injection in my right thigh, making me drowsy in an instant. My eyes slowly drifted shut, and everything was once again going dark.

"Get me out..." was the last thing I managed to let out before falling into another deep sleep.


"Why aren't you visiting your parents, man? It's been so long." I questioned Jimin, who had sprawled over his leather sofa. He was busy watching a romance drama, something very typical of him to do. I had poured myself a glass of water in the kitchen, after working out and washing up.

"Because, you know I don't wanna see my dad. Why are you even asking again?" He mumbled. I let out a sigh as I sat on the edge of the sectional sofa, across Jimin.

"Jimin, I understand you have issues with your dad that you won't tell me about, but you can't just pretend he doesn't exist. After all, you're still in high school and you're living on your own already. You barely see him because of that, and he probably wants to see you." I responded. Jimin then too, sat up and ran his hand through his hair. "But you're also doing the same." He replied, raising his eyebrow at me. This boy simply never wanted to admit his faults.

"First of all, I'm a year older than you, idiot. And I started high school a year late. You know that. And you also know I visit my parents often. Don't pretend, Chim. Just visit your dad to let him know you're okay."

"He doesn't care, hyung! He never has, and he never will. I know he doesn't wanna see me, he's made that so clear. What's the point in trying then?" He asked exasperated. I could see right though Jimin, and I know he was sad. I knew he wanted to see his dad a little bit.  I shook my head and responded.

"There is a point, you fool. Just tell me what the story is between you two." I paused, staring at Jimin and continuing.

"I'm basically your brother, Jimin. Why can't you tell me at all? You know I've shared every part of my goddamn life with you, so why can't you do the same?"

BAD BOY REP // MIN YOONGI Where stories live. Discover now