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"And so you actually got his number?!" I gasped after Mae Sung told me stories about a Canadian boy she had met while studying there. We had been talking for hours after I'd come back from school. Mae Sung obviously didn't attend due to the jet lag, so as soon as the bell rang, I rushed to Mae Sung's house. Yoongi was kind enough to drop me and I thanked him once again for being there for me.

It was getting super late, we had talked about everything we had missed in each other's lives, and I told Mae Sung about Yoongi. She was horrified at first and refused to believe me, but after I had told her about every rendezvous Yoongi and I had, Mae Sung reluctantly believed me. She was happy for me but also worried just like how Ji Woon was for me. I told her the same thing I told my sister, that he really wasn't what anyone thinks he is and he's the most caring boy ever. Mae Sung wanted to see it for herself and I guess I didn't blame her.

"Alright Mae, I've intruded for too long, I'm gonna get going now, okay?" I got up from her king sized bed and grabbed my bag.

"Awe Eunnie, I don't want you to go! Can you come tomorrow as well?!" She pleaded, slouching down on her bed like a little girl who didn't want to sleep. I smiled at her in reassurance. "Of course I will! Same time, wait for me!"

"Yes! How are you getting home then?" Mae Sung asked, finally also rising from her bed. "Gonna take the bus." I responded.
"Okay, be careful Eunnie it's late!" Mae Sung warned as if we lived in a shady part of town.

Mae lived in the area where politicians and low-key celebrities lived. It was the prettiest and safest neighbourhood in all of our city. I made sure to remind her of that.

"Still! It's dark out!" She nagged. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going now Mae, love you!" I waved my hand as I left her room, making my way to the front door of her mansion-like home. I could hear her following but I didn't bother to look back because I knew she was just going to wait at the door for me.

The bus stop was a five minute walk from Mae's house, but it had been so long since I bused from her house that I wasn't sure really where I was going, especially since it was dark out. Not that it worried me, I was just anxious about missing my bus.

I was sure I had turned on to the wrong street because it seemed I had entered a new neighbourhood, less familiar and almost colder. It was darker and the houses were big and intimidating as they stood in the night.

"Shit, where am I now?" I murmured to myself. I decided to check the map on my phone to get an idea as to where exactly I was.

I rummaged through my bag to find my phone but all of a sudden a large hand clasped tightly over my mouth.
What the hell?!

My heart raced in fear, and I had no idea what to do. I let out a muffled scream in in terror, trying to pry the mysterious hand off of me and run. It wasn't working at all and my head felt like it was being hammered. I could feel the sweat already forming on my head from the despair.
Who was this person?!

I could tell it was a male's hand and I fought back harder and stronger, failing miserably but I had to get out of it. I want going to let this happen to me.

The man used his free hand to grip my neck, making it even more difficult to breathe and get free. I could feel his fingers piercing through, knowing it was going to bruise from the pressure.

I felt myself getting weaker by the minute and the hooded man used it to his advantage, pushing me forward and forcing me towards a van that I couldn't distinguish the colour of. My vision was getting blurry and it was scaring the hell out of me because I was already so clueless and now I was losing all my senses one by one.

I didn't know what else to do and I felt hopeless as tears begin to fall from my eyes. My body and strength were giving up on me and my eyes were starting to flutter shut from the raw pain I felt everywhere on my body.

The man had noticed it and released his grip on my neck to pull out an injection from his back pocket. I only caught a glimpse of it before he stabbed right in my neck, causing me to lose any last bit of stamina in me. My legs began to feel like air and it felt like there was no oxygen left to breathe around me.

In that moment I could only hear the back doors opening, and I was thrown into the back of the van like a criminal by the police. Only one named wandered in my mind as I was losing, and it was Yoongi. He was my last hope and I longed to see him, so I waited until the last sliver of time I had left. To see Yoongi come and save me like he always did.

Everything went black from that moment on.

BAD BOY REP // MIN YOONGI Where stories live. Discover now