Chapter Twelve: Guilt

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By the time we all got back to S.H.I.E.L.D., things were pretty hectic in New York.

The news of the ship explosion had hit the news faster than we had anticipated it would. There were reporters surrounding Avengers Tower, and people were throwing questions at us like bullets. They were mostly about who Jack, Eve, and I were, and why we were with the Avengers, and if we even were Avengers. Tony told us all to just keep our heads down and walk in fast, and that security would take it from there.

When we are all safely inside and away from the press, I was suprised to see Eve standing in the hallway with Bruce by her side, wearing an identical Stone Covering to mine, but her gloves that she had were only black and brown. As soon as she noticed me, she let out a breath I doubed she even knew she was holding in.

"Thank God you're all alright. When we heard about the explosion, no one knew what happened to you guys. Well, until you called," she said, as she walked up to me and put me in a light embrace, which I returned.

"Did we miss anything around here?" I asked after we let go of one another. She looked over at Bruce who looked down. That caught my attention.

"HYDRA attacked the tower looking for me. They disguised themselves as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and smoke bombed the first floor. No one was killed thankfully, but quite a few agents were hurt, including agent Shanon Carter and Maria Hill. They're in S.H.I.E.L.D. medical now. All we know is that they wanted me, you, and...whoever this kid is," he said, looking over my shoulder at Jack, who gave her a cheeky smile.

At the sound of Shanon's name, Steve perked up.

"Is she alright?" he asked, trying to play off his worried deminor as best as he could. I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"She's fine. A few scratches is all," Bruce answered, giving him a look of understanding. I then looked at Bruce again.

"How close did they get to you?" I asked Eve, who looked down.

"Bruce had to Hulk out in the middle of the lobby. Thank Jesus for Wanda and Vision. If some of the Avengers weren't here, I dont know what would've happened," she said truthfully, making me let out a shaky breath.

"I can't believe we lost all of those files," I said, bringing my hands up to my stressed eyes, groaning at this extreme loss.

"I beg to differ," a voice sounded from behind us, making me turn to face whoever it was. There stood Natasha, a fresh bandage wrapped around her injured head. She still looked badass.

"Please, elaborate," Tony said, making her smirk as she walked up to us, holding up a big gray flashdrive. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"You didn't..." I said, my mind racing to conclusions on what she did that got her so hurt in the first place. I knew I shouldn't doubt Natasha's skills. She was a hightly trained assassin.

"You think that people nowadays don't put everything on technology, technology that I can't hack? I thought you would have more faith," she said, faking to be hurt. I smiled at her.

"Natasha, you crazy genius! I'm going to kill you, bring you back to life, and hug you," I told her, as she stiffed out a laugh. The rest of the team gave her relieved looks.

"Before any of you go anywhere," another voice sounded, coming from none other than Nick Fury himself, "Jack here needs to be put inot questioning. For...obvious resons," he said, gesturing to Jack who stood in the corner biting his nails and examinig the Wind Stone. His head snapped up at the sound of his name.


I shook my head at him. As Nick turned to leave, I called out to him.

"Director!" I called out lightly, making him turn around quickly, his coat wrapping around his legs. I let out a breath.

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