Chapter Eleven: Subject Three

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"You think you're the only choice, Subject Two? You're wrong."

That was all I could hear as the ship that we stood on began to explode. One explosion after the other began to go off, it giving us no time to take cover. I remembered seeing Steve and Thor fly back in the opposite direction that I did, as I lost track of Natasha and Tony. I knew that in the end, I was the only one who could save us from the fate that we would each own if nothing was done.

In the short time that I had, I used it on realizing that the explosion created fire. Fire that I could use to protect us somehow. I knew that if I could just grasp it somehow, I could try.

As I was blown back, I stuck out my right arm with the stone attached, using all my strength to real the flames in, which they did.

Pretty soon, the explosion was coming at me, and I wasn't scared of it. I was suddenly overcome with this feeling that everything was going to be alright. I couldn't explain it. It could've been what you're supposed to feel before you die.

As the flames engulfed everything that I had, I took one last look at my drowning team, before I gave the Beast permission to take control of my body.

In midair, I could feel myself changing into the Lion within me, from the bottom up, and for the first time, it was like I could see through the Beast's eyes, and it would listen to me. Respect me, almost.

I knew I needed to protect them from the falling ship above us, so the lion dove down to where the Avengers stood, Tony with a limp Natasha in his arms, and Steve without his shield. It must have fallen into the ocean the vibranium was so heavy.

Before I could land on them, I found myself letting out a huge roar, the remaining fire from the explosion gathering around me, forming into this huge protection barrier around all of the people in the water, protecting them from any debris and any more damage coming their way. I saw Thor and Steve look up at me in awe, the color of the flames reflecting towrds me in their eyes.

Then, the entire ship began to sink, making everyone in the water prone to go with it. Taking notice of this situation, the fire barrier made its way under the water, fighting through its weakness of H2O, and made sure none of the Avengers would sink down along with the ship, and all its top secret files. I guess we'll never truly know what was happening.

As everything above the water got quiet, the fire below was getting to be too much for the stone to handle, and too much for my fifteen year old blood stream. The fire from the lion went out like a candle from a birthday cake. It was a good thing that this suit was one with the fire, and that it appears evrytime I shift back, otherwise I wouldn't just be falling out of the aky, I'd be falling out of the sky naked.

Too weak from the water intake, I couldnt stop myself from falling, and everything was blurry and cold around me.

Tony, quickly taking notice of this handed of Natasha to Steve, flew up into the air and caught my flying almost-corpse before I turned to stone completely. My right index finger had begun to at the tip.

I heard some yells come from Tony, then some screams of terror come from everyone. Suddenly, an abnormally strong gust of wind began to wrap itself around us all, it bringing us out of the water. Before my sight went black, I caught sight of an Eagle the size of a school bus, made out of air and feathers, staring at us, saving us all.


By the time I woke up again, we were no longer in the middle of the ocean. Now, now we were in the middle of the woods. Oh what I'd do to be in Central Park with Natasha by the cherry trees.

"What the Hell?" I mumbled with my eyes still closed as I rubbed my head. If felt like I had been dropped off a building.

"Hannah?" I heard a worried voice ask from the right. I turned over only to see none other than Steve Rogers standing there. He look tired, stressed, and in dire need for a few beers. The poor guy is always worrying. Hell, I dont blame him one bit when you're living in this world.

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