The Family that Works Together

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Chapter Twenty-Two – The Family that Works Together

I sit in a black leather chair; the artist rubs a numbing on my skin with his white gloved hands. Jett sits next to me, Darcy and Blade are outside. Jett is gazing at his new tattoo on his right arm, just below his elbow on the soft part of his wrist on his right arm.

The tattoo artist begin tattooing my wrist, also on my right arm but with palm facing down. The artist is covered in art of his own meaning and I watch him to distract myself from the pain. I have used my powers to lessen the pain but protection and healing has never been my thing. Both Jett and I have got the decorative V which the servants of Valentine have. From a distance, the mark can just look like a decorative bunch of swirls especially if you are unaware of its meaning- but those who do know what it means will be able to tell what it is from up close and it’s not like I’m trying to hide it either. I will have to wear long gloves if I want to hide it.

It’s Tuesday, I had just got my hair done yesterday. I no longer have my green streak, hair is still black underneath but the rest is all a passionate deep red. It definitely stands out and although I like it, I have to get used to it.

Nothing has happened between me and Blade again and with each passing day I begin to care less and less about it. In a way I feel closer to him but it’s more in a way that I understand our relationship isn’t going to turn into anything more than family. That doesn’t stop him from being a perv but it’s more bearable now.

Once we finish getting our tattoos, Darcy and I go shopping. Valentine is loaded with money and he’s given us all cards to spend stuff on. I’ve been so crazy with money, I’ve always carefully assessed how much I will wear something or if I can live without it but today I don’t have to worry about that. My whole wardrobe is getting a serious make over.

It’s another few days of vigorous training with Blade until Thursday arrives and I wake up to see three unknown people sitting in the chairs with Blade and Darcy. I walk down cautiously; they turn and see me coming.  Jett is only a few steps behind me, watching them with curiosity.

“Corbin, Seth and Ebony, meet Eva and Jett.” Darcy introduces us excitedly, gesturing to the three people as she says their names.

Corbin is pale; his hair very short and even whiter than Darcy’s if that’s possible. His eyes are ice-blue and striking. A part from his black suit he looks the opposite to a Tene. The symbol is tattooed clearly on the back of his neck.

Seth is tanned with strong brown eyes and long black straight black hair. He wears a tank top and the symbol is tattooed on his massively muscled shoulder.

Ebony is very dark skinned; her skin looks shiny under the light. Her lips are large and her eyes dark brown and her hair in a black ponytail that reaches her hips. Her symbol is on her collar bone, the v-neck shirt she’s wearing revealing it all the more.

“Nice to meet you,” Jett says, shaking each of their hands whole-heartedly.

I shake their hands after him, mumbling a greeting. They each smile at me in turn, regarding me with a look of respect. I don’t know what I’ve done for them to look at me like that but it makes me respect them too.

“Wait, don’t forget about me!” A girl voice calls. I turn around to see a girl of Japanese type of appearance,  with a petite body and long black hair come running in.

She runs straight to Blade but stops before him, looking up at him with admiration. I raise my eyebrow at her, watching the uncharacteristic look of uncomfortableness on Blade’s face, “And who are you?”

“I’m Amara. Blade saved me and my brother a year ago and I’ve finally been found again so I can join.” She has a slight accent but apart from that she speaks very good English.

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