The Mischievous

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-Duke’s Point Of View-

I am so bored. I had just about done everything I could today, finished all my homework, went for walks, ate food, listened to music and yet its only 5pm. I make a mental note to myself to bring more stuff from home so that next time I actually have something to do.

I had tried texting and calling Darla but she hasn’t picked up her phone or replied. I’m lying on my bed contemplating what to do when I groan and lift myself off my bed, deciding to go for yet another walk.

Sticking my fingers into the pockets of my jeans, I walk down the halls of the school. This place is so deserted on the weekends; it gives the school a lonely and almost eerie sort of feel. I wonder how Jett and Eva have managed to find entertainment for themselves for so long.

A cold, wet feeling on my feet causes me to look down, a tiny stream of water seeps down the wall. I follow the puddle to see a two bathrooms flooding. I push open the door to the male bathroom and see Jett handling one of the taps. I guess this is how they pass the time.

The water almost reaches my ankles and it makes a loud sloshing noise as I step into the room, letting out a large amount of water as I open the door. Jett looks up from his work for a moment and smiles innocently, “Feel like going for a swim?”

I grin in return, raising one of my eyebrows, “We have an aquatic centre for that, you know.”

Jett shrugs, pulling the tap harder, “Yeah but that ruins the fun.” He puts his foot on the wall and tries to rip the tap off, “They must have rigged it after the last time we flooded the place.” Jett’s face gets increasingly redder as he fails to pull the tap off. He finally gives up and moves back, putting his hands on his hips and studying the tap. He extends his arm and begins summoning a black ball of mist.

“Wait,” I call, moving through the flooding water to the tap. My dad was a plumber so I’ve learnt a thing or two and vaguely know how it works. I bend down and find a hidden switch behind the pipe that controls the amount of water being let through, I straighten it and then turn the tap slightly to the left, before turning it back to the right and pulling it off.

Water instantly shoots out and soaks Jett who happened to be standing in the way. He falls down under the force of the water. I jump up and run over to him, holding my hand out to him, “I’m so sorry!” I cry and help him up.

Jett glares at me and I swallow nervously but then he suddenly bursts out laughing. “Ha, the look on your face! It’s fine, it’s more fun when you get messy on the job!” He pulls me into the powerful rush of water and my body is soaked with freezing water within seconds.

I yelp and jump out of the way, shaking my body. Jett is laughing so hard he slips on the water but that only makes him laugh harder. I can’t help but laugh as well. By the time we finally calm down we are drenched from head to toe and my cheeks hurt with strain. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.

Jett stands next to me, “You should hang out with us more.” He says, slapping his hand on my shoulder playfully.

I try to smile but it comes out awkward because of how sore my cheeks are, “Yeah I’d like that, maybe next time we can flood the staff toilets?”

Jett laughs, “Great idea, wait until I tell Eva!”

The image of Eva this morning appears in my head for the hundredth time that day as we open the door but there stood Miss Davidson, tapping her foot impatiently. I gulp, this was the first time I had ever done anything this bad. I like Miss Davidson and she likes me too but after this I wouldn’t be surprised if her opinions on me change.

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