The Weakness

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  Chapter Four- The Weakness

My eyelids slowly opened as my body retreated from the dream world and into reality. I sighed inwardly, today is Saturday. A day I could do practically nothing, last night had been a mess and Jett and I needed a day like this. I want to punch Agatha so hard her nose permanently stays in an ugly, distorted position.

I shifted my body over the side to look at my clock, 8am. As if I wake up this early on a Saturday and I’m not tired at all! I stretch and get out of bed, getting changed. Jett will be asleep for at least another 3 hours so I guess it’s just me for now, not that that’s a new thing for me. Walking down the halls, I contemplate bursting through Agatha’s room and screaming to scare the living daylights out of her but, she would be at her house since it’s the weekend. Stupid people with their stupid loving families.

Sighing again, I walk out of the dormitories and outside into the fresh autumn air. I head over in the direction of the gardens. Last year everyone got a small section of the garden to grow their own flowers, they are all different colours and shapes and although it looks slightly messy it has a welcoming feel to it. I head to the corner where a gap breaks the colourful wall of flowers. A tiny group of black and dying flowers stand isolated in the middle.

Of course I wasn’t going to be good in this area of magic, growing is for the light powered. However at least mine looked cool unlike the ugly yellow and pink flowers overcrowding the garden bed next to it. I turn around to the centre of the garden where a watering can and tap are. I take some water to my plant and pour water at its thorny, brown roots.

As I finished watering it my eyes catch a figure kneeling a short distance away from me. I stand up but immediately drop behind the wall as I realise it’s Duke. I slap my hands over my mouth to keep from crying out, why is he here? Shouldn’t he be with his happy, loving family too?

I look through my flowers and concentrate to get a better look, he too is tending to his flowers. He is wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans with a beanie. I’m so busy admiring his looks that I barely notice that his plants are black as well, black and dying.

That’s weird… He’s so nice and friendly; if anything I’d expect he’d have the most beautiful flowers in the entire garden.

I swallow, gathering up my courage and stand up. I walk over to where Duke is kneeling, trying to be as quiet as possible so I don’t surprise him but he hears me. He turns around and smiles, his eyes squinting slightly from the sun behind me.

“Morning,” He greets cheerfully, standing up.

“Uh…  hey.” I say awkwardly, not looking at his face, “Your… um… roses, they’re really pretty.” I flinch at my own stupidness, who the hell says something like that? Even if I do find them pretty, they’re dying and Duke probably thinks I’m mocking him.

“Really? You’d be the first to think so,” Duke laughs, “Thank you.” He turns around again and bends down, picking out one of the roses from his plant.

It’s the biggest and healthiest black flower he has, it is gorgeous. My eyes watch the rose with admiration, mine don’t look nearly as elegant as that.

 “Here.” Duke says softly, grabbing my hand and placing his rose in my palm.

My heart beat quickens and my face burns, I resist the urge to pull my hood all the way over my face and run away.

“…Thanks.” I manage to say with a great effort.

“You’re welcome,” Duke whispers, “They suit you.”

I lift my eyes to meet his and I look into their emerald depths. He is smiling yet they weren’t entirely happy, I know the look of hidden pain too well. He is hiding something and I actually felt a pang of worry for him. How could Duke do this? How can he cause all of these emotions to stir up inside of me, all of these feelings I never usually feel. It feels pitiful for me to have these feelings, yet another part of me didn’t care and it likes these different emotions.

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