Dean sighs. "I'll get the gear."

Zen sighed and stared at the empty bed in worry. Sam saw this and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

" We'll find him Zen...", he says.

She nodded. " I know we will. I just hope we find him in time."

Suddenly, a strange feeling swept up her body. She knew what this was, the energy was dark and evil. An energy from hell.

" Shit.", she cursed as she grabbed the angel blade she had always kept with her and ran out of the room with Sam following behind.

" What's wrong?!", Sam asked.

" Demons.", she replied just as they arrived at their room.

She saw Dean held up against the wall as a demon tried to stab him with a knife. She wasted no time as she plunged the angel blade on the demon's back and watched as it's eyes light up before it died.

" You alright, Dean?"

He nodded. "First angels, now demons. Terrific.", he states sarcastically.

"I guess the word's out.", Sam says.

The Winchesters sharer a look of realisation.


They run out just to see Donatello being thrown against the wall by another demon. Zen gives Dean the angel blade and watches as he threw the blade and into the demon's neck.

"Well, housekeeping is not gonna like this.", he states as he grabbed the blade from the dead body.

" Yeah,no shit.", Zen mumbled.


HER HEAD ACHED as she sensed this strong wave of power as they drove down the roadway. It wasn't a demon. It was something worse.

"Uh, turn!", Donatello ordered and Dean turns his steering wheel abruptly.

"Th—This is worrisome. I'm sensing a power emanation alongside Jack's. It gets stronger then closer we got to it. You feel it don't you?", Donatello asks Zen, who nodded in response.

Her eyes then catch a glimpse of a sign that says Jasper, 3mil. "Jasper, Wyoming?", she mutters in confusion.

"Maybe it's an angel.", Dean guessed.

Donatello shook his head. "No. Something dark."

"Do you ever have any good news?", Dean groans. "All right, well, see if there's anything in Jasper that's demon-y."

Sam flips through Dad's journal. "Yeah, there is. According to dad's journal, Jasper is home to its very own Gate to Hell.", he reads, making Zen groan.

" Well great.", she mutters sarcastically.

"It gets better.", Sam continues.

"Fantastic.", Dean states sarcastically. Like brother, like sister.

"According to legend, this particular gate leads to, quote, "A place where unimaginable evil emanates from creatures too wicked for the Pit to hold".", Sam finishes.

"What the hell does that mean?", Dean questions.

" Nothing good, Dean.", Zen replies just as Donatello orders him to turn once more. They continued to drive through the road until they took one last turn.

As soon as they arrived, Zen gets out if the impala and watches Jack and the fake Donatello in horror.

"Jack! Hey! Stop.", Sam calls as he gets out of the car.

"Don't listen to them, Jack!", the fake Donatello orders.

" Holy shit."
"Holy crap."

Dean and her said at the same time as they noticed the huge glowing gap on the ground.

"Focus!", The fake one ordered agin.

"That's not Donatello!", The real Donatello yelled.

"No, that's not Donatello!", The fake one countered.

Zen rolled her eyes. " Ah, screw this.", she mutters before grabbing Dean's gun from the waistband of his jeans and shoots fake Donatello.

The group watches as the fake Donatello morphs into a man in a white suit.

"Jack, he's a demon!", Sam warns.

Zenja furrows her brows and shook her head. " No, he's a—argh!", she didn't get to finish since her throat felt like something was choking her.

" Zenja!", the boys yelled in fear.

"Howdy, boys.", Asmodeus grins before choking Sam, Dean and Donatello.

Jack watches as Zen writhes painfully on the floor. "No!"

The Shedim crawls back into the Earth as the crack in the soil regenerates.

"Jack... They wanna stop you. Contain you. I can give you the world.", Asmodeus offers.

Jack glared at him. "You're hurting my friends!", he yelled as his eyes turn gold. The earth starts shaking. Asmodeus then vanishes before Jack can hurt him.

The group gasped as the air went back into their lungs. Zen breathed heavily on the ground, her throat felt dry. She soon felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, pulling her up.

" Are you okay?", Jack asks softly, his eyes boring into hers.

Her breathing went back to normal but her heart was still beating like a drum. His touch felt soothing to her, like he was slowly healing her.

" Y-Yeah. Yeah, I'm—I'm okay...", she stuttered.

Jack gives her a soft smile. " Good."

She returned the smile and slowly stepped away from him. She looked at her brothers but frowned when she saw them look at her weirdly.

" What?", she asks, red staining her cheeks.

Dean went to answer but Sam shook his head. ", we should go to the bunker as soon as possible to avoid any other attacks. Right Dean?"

Dean went to argue but Sam nudged his brother. He sighed. " Right.", he said in gritted teeth. " Now get in the car, we're waisting time.", he grumbles as he got into the impala.

The others followed suit and soon enough they were back on the road. They dropped Donatello off somewhere in the town and bid him goodbye before driving back to the bunker.

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