Twenty - No Sh!t Sherlock

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I had never felt more idiotic in my entire life. 

Trevor was probably laughing at me for being stupid enough to think that we could be, something. Jason was probably laughing at the fact that I'd tried to kiss him that night. When he drove me home, no words were exchange. The sound of the radio just cut through the silence. When I got home I texted Asha that I felt sick and had to go home. I trusted that Trevor would conjure up a lie of his own to explain why he briefly disappeared.

I had learned one thing about myself that night which was, boys just have the ability to make my brain shut down. After that all I'm left to work with are my, hormones? 

As much as I would've liked to dwell more on my dilemma (not) , I was immediately met with more concerning news when I got to school on Monday - the principal wanted to see me. My last encounter with Mrs Whitehead hadn't exactly been pleasant, but at the same time I liked to think I wasn't exactly on her bad side. 

In about a month of being in a real school, I'd been called to the principal's office twice. That had to be some sort of record right? Asha walked me to Mrs Whitehead's office, I barely heard a word she said as we walked. All I could think about was what I could possibly be in trouble for this time. My brain froze as I stopped in front of the wooden door with the word "Principal" printed on it.

"Well, this it it," said Asha.

"Yep," I sighed.

"If you don't make it out of there just know... Life will go on," she joked.

"Fuck you Ash," I chuckled . 

"Yelling expletives in front of the principal's  office, that's bold Jennifer." 

I playfully shoved her in the arm before watching her walk away. I knocked on the door and seconds later heard a womanly voice tell me to enter. I stepped in, the woman eyed me from head to toe. I tried to avoid her gaze by looking at my surroundings - dull  brown walls, her degree framed and hung on the wall, a few family photos on her desk. Nothing really interesting. 

She gestured for me to sit in one of the chairs facing her. I did so. I wasn't sure whether to speak first or not. Thankfully my question was answered for me. 

"Good morning, Miss Walsh," she greeted.

"Morning Mrs Whitehead," I said. I could feel her gaze boring into my forehead from above the frame of her glasses and I found myself desperate to look at anything but her. 

"You must be wondering why I called you in."

No shit Sherlock,  I thought. "Yeah, I am," is what I said instead. 

"Well, it has come to my attention that ever since you joined us here at this school, you haven't signed up for any after school clubs or activities."


"I thought perhaps you weren't sure of the first steps to take, so I thought maybe we could discuss your interests and see if we could find a club for you?" she continued.

I hadn't really given the idea of joining a school club much thought. I was still trying to adjust to the workload which seemed much heftier than when I was working with Mrs. Beavers at home. Perhaps it just felt that way because there wasn't someone constantly monitoring my studying schedule and guiding me every step of the way. I was basically on my own, and that was almost scary. This drama with Jason and Trevor didn't exactly help either. 

"I'm not really sure what I should join. I just need a little more time to decide," I said, trying to stall.

"Well, I don't want to take up much of your time so I've compiled a list of the clubs available for you to join. There's also the other option for you to create your own club. Of course you'd have to run it by me first." 

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