Six - Because she doesn't like you Casanova

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She stood there watching as I mixed the paint. I wasn't sure what exactly I'd be painting but I had a pretty good idea of what it would be. I tried not to look at her so much. God forbid I actually start falling for this girl. My only love is art. She's just, a girl. A sexy as f* girl. Shut up conscience. 

"So what exactly are we going to paint,"her voice drew me away from my thoughts.


"Well if we're gonna pretend like we did this project together I have to start lying now, to get used to it." We both chuckled. Hot and funny, great. "You still haven't answered my question," she said with a serious look on her face now. I wasn't sure how to tell her this but well, here goes nothing. 

"Um, you?" I scratched the back of my neck nervously awaiting her reaction. She would either flip out or be flattered. I chose to believe that the latter would happen. And then she'd jump into my arms and kiss me. Pshh, yeah right. Why did my conscience always want to crush my dreams?

"Me? You couldn't come up with anything better Picasso? What's the title, my annoyingly lazy art class partner?" she laughed. I was confused. She hadn't flipped out and it didn't sound like she was flattered either. 

"Well, you're blonde and you're pretty. I'm sure that could get us at least a C." Did I just say that? I can't believe I just effing said that. 

What the eff is wrong with me? I was never this forward.

"That explains all the yellow colors. Do you want some more juice. I could go pour you a glass while you work". I nodded and she walked over to the garden table with the pitcher of lemonade. 

I was both hurt and relieved that she completely dismissed my compliment. But then again, looking like that, I'm sure she was used to hearing comments like that all the time. She came back holding a glass of lemonade to me which I gladly received. 

It was freakin' hot out here, not just because of Jennifer. The sun beat down on us unrelentingly, but God forbid we get paint on Mrs Walsh's carpet. 

"I'm really sorry my mom made us work outside. Times like these I wish we at least had a pool', she sighed.

"It's fine, I'll just work through it. Maybe this will just motivate me to be quicker", I said. There was an awkward silence between us as she watched me gently stroke the canvas with a paintbrush, occasionally stopping to dip the brush in some more paint. I used different shades of yellows and browns to perfectly replicate her beautiful blonde hair. I enjoyed what I was doing, but I couldn't help but feel that Jennifer was getting bored. But how could she get bored when she gets such a good view of a stud like me? Because she doesn't like you Casanova. Is it possible to kill your own conscience?

"Where did you learn before?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Here. I was home-schooled," she answered.

"All your life?"

"Pretty much yeah"

"So what changed?"

"Well, my mom thought she was depriving me of a social life and thought maybe my life would be a little more normal if I went to school like everyone else. Aside from this cousin of mine, I basically have no friends whatsoever. That hasn't really changed though," she whispered the last part but I still heard her. It saddened me a little. 

"You have me now though right?" I smiled at her a little. The gesture wasn't returned. Instead she looked, angry almost. 

"Well, if we were friends maybe you wouldn't have abandoned me at lunch yesterday when those guys showed up," she said. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't. "You know what, I'm just gonna go inside," she excused herself.

How had I already managed to screw things up with someone I barely knew?

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