Chapter 26

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Jack and I are cuddling in the back of the bus while the other boys are watching a movie. Jack has his eyes closed with his head on my chest. I lean down and kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I don't know what I would do without you."

"What do you want Zach?"

"Can't I love my boyfriend?"

"Zach, what do you need?"

"Fine. I'm horny." I whine.

"That's your problem."

"You're my boyfriend, you should help me."

"Still your problem." He looks up at me so I immediately take the opportunity and smash my lips against his. We sit up from our laying position and we start making out. Jack straddles me. He starts grinding making me start to get a boner. Then he just gets up and leaves.

"Zach! Are you coming? We're going to chipotle!" Jonah calls me. This was definetly Jacks idea.

"Yeah, do you think I can borrow a shirt of yours?"

"Yeah sure, hold on." A little later Jonah comes to me with a big shirt. "Wait, you're wearing a shirt, why did you need mine?"

"I need something to hide my boner."

"I did not need to know that." He says while handing me the shirt.

"Hey, you asked."

"Ok I'm leaving cause this is uncomfortable as hell."

~At the chipotle~

I decided to tease Jack a little, seeing as he gave me a boner. We're sitting next to each other, Jack on the outside obviously, and Daniel, Jonah and Corbyn sit on the opposite side of us. I start by slowly rubbing circles on Jacks thigh.

"So, anything exciting happen?" Daniel asks after a while of silence.

"Someone just proved spending too much time looking at your phone makes your eyesight worse." Corbyn says.

"If you go to space they shoot you with such a high speed, blood goes down to your legs and also worsens you vision. That is the only thing I ever learned in physics." I slowly creep my hand up Jacks leg more until my hand is just chilling on his crotch. I look over at Jack and see him getting uncomfortable. He takes a bite out of his burrito when I apply a little more pressure and make him softly moan, which causes him to choke.

"Zach, we're in public. There could be fans around." Jonah just casually says while the rest is just confused. "Jack got Zach a boner and now Zach is getting back at Jack. Anyway, we should probably get going because we have interviews."

I hooked my phone up to the intercom at school today and played Hooked for everyone. Principal wasn't as pleased but the students loved it. Though I didn't like how little lines Corbyn got and he strained his voice to much on the high notes and that just made it sound odd. I hope on the album, if it ever gets released, Corbyn leads a song. I MET THEM TWO DAYS AGO!!! It was so much fun, I had limelight and I talked to all of them. I'm from Frieslân so I got them some typical food. I gave Daniel a sugar bread and I made him pronounce it in Frissian and it was hilarious. I had talked to Daniel in the beginning for a couple of minutes and when we got the group picture VIP get too, he said he missed me and he squeezed me so hard and he kinda half picked me up while we were hugging. Zach was really kinda awkward, he rambled and giggled and it was just adorable. Jonah was so sweet, I get migraines so with the flashing lights and loud music I felt one coming and I was talking to Jonah afterwards and he asked me if I was ok cause I was a little unstable and I told him about my migraines and he asked if I needed any painkillers and if I was gonna be ok. Corbyn was also so nice, I had stood on my toes the entire time during the concert cause I had to look over someone and I said to him that my ballet training finally came in handy and he asked me all about how long I had been doing ballet and stuff. Jack told me about this tattoo he is going to get and the meaning behind it and everything. Jachary was being stupid and adorable, they stayed close to each other the entire time. Jonah had on this really soft sweater after the show and he gives the best hugs. Me and some other girls were talking with Daniel at the very end of the post show limelight thing and Tyler told him that the time was up but he didn't wanna leave so Tyler literally picked him up and carried him out and it was so funny. I'll add a picture of that in the next chapter if you want. If you wanna know anything else about the show or limelight just ask.

Remember when... | JacharyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora