Chapter 15

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"What the hell are you guys doing?" Oh oh. Zach rests his forehead on mine.

"What does it look like we're doing Jonah?" He asks.

"It looks like you're kissing the boy you rejected and I don't approve. Also, please someone clean up the broken mirror before Daniel flips." Zach turns to face Jonah.

"Look I like Jack, okay? I have for a while, I just, never had the courage to tell him after what happened after New Years."

"As long as you don't hurt him, I'm fine. I saw what it did to him the last time, I don't want that happening again. Now please explain to me how you went from completely ignoring each other to kissing on the bathroom counter." We move to Jack's room and lock the doors, making sure no one can hear. We explain everything, from what was said the morning after the kiss to how we both felt during the time we ignored each other, to Jack smashing the bathroom mirror, which he now says was because he was mad at himself for not having the courage to tell his family and always backing out when he has a chance.

"Well my advice is, tell your parents as soon as possible. They're coming to our first show of tour in two days, tell them then. I know you are scared but they can help you, and if they don't accept you, you have me and the boys and each other." Jonah says after we finished our story.

"I don't even know what the hell I am. I don't know if I'm gay or bi or pan. What am I supposed to tell them?" Zach's getting a little annoyed.

"Zach, tell them that. They can help you through this. I don't see your parents as people who would just throw away sixteen years of experiences and memories because their son likes a boy. And neither do yours Jack. Sydnie already accepted you so you already have a family member supporting you."

"Thanks, but will you promise to not tell the boys?" I ask.

"They'll support you whatever happens, you don't need to hide this from them."

"It's just a little complicated right now."

"It's ok, I understand. Now, I'll let you two clean up that mess in the bathroom while I order some food." He stands up and unlocks the doors, walking out. I pull Zach to his feet and push him towards the bathroom. Glass is all over the place. I never thought a mirror could break like that. Zach goes and grabs a dust pan and I grab a broom, trying to sweep it all in one place.

"You're doing it wrong." Zach tells me.

"Then how am I supposed to do this?"

"I don't know, just not like that."

"Ok, we don't know what the hell we're doing. We need Daniel. DANIEL!! WE NEED YOU!" Footsteps quickly approach the door.

"Yeah, what's u- oh my god."

"We don't know how to clean this, can you please help?" He sighs.

"Sure, can you grab the vacuum cleaner. It's way quicker than what you're trying to do here."

"Where do we keep the vacuum cleaner exactly?"

"Ok, let me do it and go downstairs. Help Jonah set the table or something."

We go downstairs to help Jonah but he says were no help and sends us to Corbyn, who then tells us to get out of his room because he's on FaceTime with Christina and since we can't go to our room because that would piss off Daniel, who is still cleaning the bathroom mirror, we end up in the living room, cuddling on the couch, watching Dora the explorer. (That sentence is 69 words).

"DINNER'S HERE!" Jonah yells through the house.

"We're coming!" Is heard from all the boys. (Please tell me there is a dirty minded person like me who read that the same). We start eating and goofing around until Daniel mentions the mirror.

"So, what's up with the mirror? It didn't break on it's own."

"Uhm..." Zach starts.

"I used their bathroom and I tripped and fell against the mirror, making it break." Jonah saves us. I mouth a thank you and continue the fake story.

"And he just left the mess for us to clean." Ok that sounded a bit mean. Thankfully Zach continues talking.

"And since we didn't know how the hell to do it, we asked you." Zach points to Daniel with a fry. Daniel grabs the fry and sticks it in his mouth.

"Thanks for the fry." Zach sighs defeated and picks up another piece of food. He throws it in Daniels direction and that's how a food fight started. When we're out of food to throw, we look around and realize it's a mess. This is gonna take forever to clean.

"I say, Zach and Daniel clean since they started it." Corbyn suggests. Jonah and I nod and we run upstairs.

"DAMN IT!" I hear Zach yell from downstairs. I chuckle to myself. This was a good day.

Albania, Greece, Italy, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, UK, Ireland, UAE, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Canada, Mexico and America. That are all the countries this book is read in. I don't know if that sentence made sense but you get what I mean. That's a whole lot of countries. Thank you for reading this book. Let me know what you think of the book so far and also, which of these countries you're from or if I missed any.

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