Chapter 18

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"Wanna tell us what happened?" Daniel asks after Jack called them to tell them he found me.


"Zachy, please?" Jack crouches down to my level since I'm sitting on the bed and they're standing.

"I just, when you told your parents you were gay, your mom already suspected and she said she's your mom so of course she knows what's happening with you. And when I told my parents I'm not straight they were happy for me sure, but they never knew and it just got me thinking if they really cared." I whisper quietly to avoid Corbyn and Daniel hearing and Jack engulfs me into a hug.

"Oh Zach, of course they do. They love you to pieces. Just because they didn't know, doesn't mean they don't care. I can tell you they care so so much. I went to see if you had gone to your parents and when I told them we didn't know where you were, they were so worried about you." I hug him tighther, not knowing what to say. Jack tells the boys he'll handle it now and they can go back to their room and we'll meet in the lobby on time for an interview. He'll handle me? What's that supposed to mean? Am I just bothering everyone? I push Jack back and stand up. I quickly wipe my tears, grab my phone and walk out. Maybe that was a little cruel but I didn't want to feel like a bother and him saying he'll handle me, definitely wasn't helping. I go down to the lobby and just wait there. I go to instagram and stumble upon this really cute video of a little boy with multiple heart and other organ diseases and down syndrom. The video shows a picture of him, completely covered in tubed and needles, right after his birth. Then a video appears of his sister with a guitar, singing 'you are my sunsine' with him to teach him how to talk. It's so adorable. It makes me miss Reese and Ryan who stayed back in Dallas with my grandma.

"Hey bro, we're gonna be late, come on." I hear Daniel say. I look up surprised and see all the boys already at the exit. We get into the sprinter van we rented to get around. I sit alone in the far back so I decide to look up some legal factors of being gay. I find out I can't donate blood and I will get kicked out of my highschool since my online schooling is still connected to that and my highschool is really religious. I also stumble upon a lot of articles about how to get the gay out of you, how to protect your kids from gay people and a whole bunch of other shit. It makes me feel really bad for all the kids who can't be who they are because of their family and friends. 

"Zach, could you please stop crying for just a moment?" Daniels begs. I put my hand to my face and feel that there are indeed tears coming out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." My voice comes out a little shaky. Daniel just rolls his eyes and looks back to his phone.


"On tour you guys always have to be happy and energetic for your fans obviously, how do you manage to do that? I mean I can imagine you get very limited sleep." The interviewer asks. (Let's call him Bob).

"Well that's partly why it's so amazing to have four other guys around you, they can always cheer you up and help you if you need it." Jonah says.

"Yeah, of course we try to always be happy for our fans but you can't always do that. I mean Zach for example has been randomly breaking down lately, Jack wasn't feeling the best either the other day-" Daniel starts.

"No." I interrupt him.


"No, I am not randomly breaking down, I will let you say a whole lot of crap about me but that's where I draw the line. I have my reasons. I mean if you want, take my place. Try figuring out your sexuality, without having your family or friends to support you, with a whole lot of judging eyes on you and a very complicated relationship with a guy that said he'd handle me like I'm a huge bother, see if you can manage without breaking down." I see the boys' eyes widen and I realize I just outed myself to the whole world and also said I have a relationship, which I don't even really know I have or not. My life is very much so a mess right now. 

"So, let's play a little game to see how well you know eachother. I'll ask you guys a quistion about one of you and you'll have to answer and see if it's correct." Thank god for Bob. 

Ok I didn't really know where to end this chapter so I'm sorry if it seems a little weird. I have a very important question for you guys. Do any of you know if you can take medicine with you for a WDW show? And no, I can't get a doctors note cause there's no guarantee I'll need them so she won't sign it.

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