Chapter 13

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Zach has to pack my bag so I can sit on my ass and do nothing while he packs for both of us. I sit on my bed looking at him getting frustrated.

"Okay, as much fun as this is, I'm going to get a snack." I say as I get up from my comfartable spot on the bed.

"Could you please get me some Oreo's?" Zach asks.

"We're out of those."

"Please?" He starts begging and I give in.

"Fine, fine, I'll go to the store and get them for you." He excitedly comes up to me and hugs me.

"Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah. Go and continue to pack while I run to the store." I peel his arms off me and tell the boys I'm going to the store. When I get back, I hear a big scream from my room and it sounds like Zach. I put down the Oreo's and run upstairs. I get there and see Zach staring at something on the floor. I follow where he's looking and see my vibrator laying there. I quickly pick it up and hold it behind my back even though there's nothing to hide since he already saw it.

"So." He says after a while. "You're a bottom."

I start blushing profusely.

"Zach! And yes I am but I'm surprised you even know what that is."

"I know a thing or two. Give it to me, I'll pack it. Under one condition though, that you don't ever use it while we're anywhere near you."

I decide to mess with him a little.

"Why? Never bothered you before."

"Oh my god, you use this while we're in the house. Ew."

"When you're asleep, don't worry. I would never do it while you're awake, then I wouldn't be able to moan."

"Okay I don't need to know all this, I'm leaving. If you want that thing to come with, pack it yourself. I'll resume after dinner." He walks out the door and I start laughing. Even though that was very embarrassing, it's so much fun to make him uncomfortable.

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