Chapter 17: Hoshiyomi's desire

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Kagome quietly sits at her desk..

Inuyasha watched as she opened several books, grabbing several papers and a pen starting to write.

he stares awhile, and after a few seconds looks down at the picture book she gave him.

He caresses it with his thumb, then looked back up at her tenderly.

time skip>

after a few hours had passed, Inuyasha had fallen sideways on Kagome's bed asleep.

and in the next room, I was still in Dreamland myself.

Kagome was still scribbling on papers, nearly about to fall asleep too.

POV Change> Kaede and Shippo>

Shippo grunts and wipes his forehead after pulling up a bucket of water from the stream..

"Ba-chan? (Granny) when is Okaa-san (Mommy) coming back?" he whined.

"I'm not sure Shippo, but I hope soon," she assures.

Shippo started crying hysterically, Kaede was confused.

Kaede was flustered and quickly kneeled in front of him, grabbing his small arm gently.

"Shippo? whatever is the Matter? Saki told you she would come back. is there something on your mind?" She asks sympathetically.

He sniffles and rubs his eye, and just looks up at her silently.

Kaede hums and soon understands why.

she remembers when Shippo first told them about his father..

"you're afraid Saki will not come back, in fear of what happened to your father, will happen to her." she assumes.

Shippo lowers his head..

"fear not child, Saki is safe. she is in her own time and I highly doubt she has forgotten you. she loves you so very much.." Kaede comforts him as the wind blows softly.

meanwhile> Sesshomaru and Jaken>

Sesshomaru kneels by a bank, where a stream flowed and cherry trees grew alongside.

he dipped his hand under the surface and brought it back up, he drank the sweet water.

cherry blossom petals stuck to his palm and floated in the pool he held in his hand.

Jaken let his staff rest in the bend of his right arm as he reached down to wash his hands, and sip from the stream as well.

suddenly there was a clank of a sword..

"I know she is here, I smell her on you.." says a deep menacing voice.

"where is the jewel!" it shouted.

Sesshomaru burrowed his eyebrows and was very displeased with this sudden encounter..

Jaken inhaled in surprise and became frightened..

"Who are you.."

"and what do you want with this woman you speak of.." Sesshomaru questions in his deep serious voice.

"You tell me, you seem to be very close to her.."

"Why have you not taken the jewel half for yourself yet?"

"she is only a panther Demon, her powers seem limited and weak. she will be easy to kill.."

"and when you have it, I can kill you and take it.."

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ