Chapter 10: Rose petals

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I slowed down after running, my boots broke small pieces of rock, and dirt that was clumped together on the ground.

Inuyasha was slightly ahead of me, and he was walking past the location we were supposed to be at.

I don't know where he was going..

as I look down at the side of the old man's house, and see just under the gap, under the skirt of the house, there were some boards and nails.

"hey! Inuyasha!" I call happily and wave my arm.

"that old man has some boards and nails under his house! come help me get them!" I point as he turns around.

he lowers his head to the side slightly and stares at me with a manly expression, his eyes were narrowed.

he slowly walks over..

after a few seconds of staring at me, he squats down and peeks under.

he made a funny weird face and scratched his head..

he reaches under and grabs something, then stands back up.

"what's this? it looks like some weird weapon." he taps his head with it.

I take it from him with a smile on my face, "that's a shinwa, it's a hammer, a tool for building things. it's what you use to put nails in wood.." I explain.

"shinwa?" he repeats in a calm mutter.

however, it was much different than the ones in my time.

this shinwa had a rock head instead of a metal one, and it looked quite aged.

"have you never seen tools like this before Inuyasha?" I ask curiously.

"no.." he replies dully.

there was a moment of silence..

"well, let's see if we can find another, and I'll teach you about them," I assure kindly.

"Whatever you say Saki.." he joked, as I kneeled down to reach under the house.

I quickly came back up, "Inuyasha! it's not funny. we have some serious work to do. besides, you don't do much but sleep and hang out in trees. it would be good for you if you learned something.." I scorn and wave my finger at him.

my eyebrows were burrowed lightly..

he growled and narrowed his eyes..

"Now get down here and help me!" I exclaim excitedly, and reach up, grabbing his ear and pulling him down.

his eyes widened, and he grunted.


"there, that's nice."

"you should feel comfortable now.." Kaede assured as Kagome and herself laid the old man down on a soft bed made of blankets and hay.

Shippo hopped into view, "do you think Saki and Inuyasha will fix up the old guys home?" he asks innocently.

Kaede kindly looks down on him, "of course, well. I believe Saki will be doing most of it.." she says with humor.

Kagome and Shippo giggle..

my and Inuyasha's POV>

we were on top of the house, with the supplies we needed to start working.

"Inuyasha! hand me that shinwa and some nails! I found a nice place to start repairing on my side!" I shout for him to hear, with my hand raised.

he picks it up and grabs a few nails from a wooden box.

he then stands up and attempts to approach me by crossing a plank we put over the gap of the roof..

I notice, but instead of waiting for him, I tried to get up myself to retrieve it.

but as soon as I put my left foot on the shingles, one of them slid from under me and I lost my balance.

and I fell...

I gasped and tried reaching up to grab something, but there was nothing to grab.

"Saki!" Inuyasha shouts in peril.

everything felt like a trance, as I was falling.

but suddenly, I felt a whoosh of air, and something touches me.

I inhale..

Sesshomaru flew by just in time to catch me, and I now rested in his arms, looking up at him.

his eyes were narrowed, and he stared forward fiercely.

"What..." Inuyasha's voice echoed in his head, as he watched.

his eyebrows too were for, furrowed ever so slightly.

Sesshomaru forcefully lands on the rough ground, and gently stands me up.

we look into each other's large eyes, but for only a moment.

he gazed away forward, as Inuyasha came into view.

he didn't look so happy, that Sesshomaru was here.

but I'm sure he felt relieved that I was okay..

I was starting to sense a bit of tension spark up...

I held my right arm close to my chest, as my fist was balled up under my chin.

I'm not really sure what's going to happen between them, but I have a feeling it's something I'll never forget.

in the silence of things, a single blood-red rose petal flew by Sesshomaru's face.

he knew what it symbolized, because earlier, just before I fell, one visited him in the same way.

he thinks when a rose petal flies by him, even though it only happened twice, that I'm in need of him.

however, this second one was different.

it seemed more like a confirmation of romantic feelings for me because he's questioned himself.

(has a man, and Demon like Sesshomaru. really fallen in love?)

Author's note: sorry it's been so long, was without internet and power when hurricane came and a few days after.. but now that everything is back to normal i've been trying to work on updates, and get back to other things as well. this chapter is almost at a thousand words like i normally do (not counting the author's note, so sorry if it's short. and p.s i know i ended it to soon, but i wanted to pick it up in chapter 11 so i can put Sesshomaru in two parts instead of just one.. anyways, hope everyone likes it.)

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