Chapter 4: feudal homeage

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after the big discussion with Kaede, Kagome and I sat outside in front of her house.

the sound of the wind filled the silence between us...

"I know half of you wants to go home because you're worried about mom and the others, but maybe we should stay. I feel like what Kaede said, was true. maybe, we are the Demon and Priestess she talked about." I sincerely look over.

she peered at me, the look on her face was soft but unsure.

I quickly look down at the dirt and think about something.

"you can go home if you want Kagome, but I'm going to stay." I get up and walk away quietly.

she gasps and her eyes widen, she watches as I roam off.

I feel like I belong here, so that's why I'm staying.

I love mom, and Sota, and Grandpa.

but something's telling me I need to be here, I can't hold Kagome back if she wants to leave.

she's old enough to do what she wants to now..

I look up at the sky while my arms rested on a frail wooden gate..

curiously, Inuyasha watch's from a distance in between the darkened gap of two houses.

"are you going to come with me to start training? or would you rather stare at the clouds." a male voice suddenly retorts.

"hm.." I look over my shoulder in confusion.

"now?" I question politely.

"don't you wanna find out who you really are?" he bluntly states.

I look down slightly..


"don't worry Kagome, I've been through the same scenario with my sister Kikyo. if Saki wishes to find out who she really is, we must let her." Lady Kaede stirs a pot of stew.

Kagome quietly stares at the floor, "but she does know who she is." she mutters sadly.

Inuyasha and Saki POV>

I gape at the dirt, "well, I suppose we can start today." I reply subtly.

"Great!" Inuyasha clenches his right fist and grins.

I look at him oddly, "hmm.." I slightly tilt my head.

short time skip>

Inuyasha and I found ourselves in a large grassy patch of land not far from the village..

standing away from each other about 14 feet..

his stance compared to mine was very defensive and strong, "alright, I want you to start out with a simple hand strike, we'll come at each other at the same time, but I want you to dodge me and see if you can hit me first." he clenched his fingers tight and showed his teeth.

I nodded and furrowed my eyebrows.

I took my defensive stance and prepared.

"go!" he shouts and speeds toward me.

I follow..

the both of us were in the air, I tried to dodge and strike him as he explained, but he hit me first.

I couldn't see but the look on his face was rather pleased.

his claws cut deep into the left side of my abdomen causing a spray of blood to be released when we were in the air..

I had a shocked look on my face..

now that my feet were on the ground I grabbed my wound gently..

previously as I got ready to attack him, I noticed a black and deep purple streak or aura come from my hand.

Inuyasha slowly approaches as my back was turned to him..

"heh..." he chuckles.

"was that all you had?" he mocks.

"you mustn't have expected me to know as much as you do about combat, especially on the first try." I retort calmly while looking at the swaying grass.

"I thought you would have, it's in your blood," he replies strongly and stares at me.

I stay silent and don't make eye contact..

"When I was about to attack, there was this faint aura of black and purple around my hand. what was it?" I ask.

"huh?" he widens his eyes funnily.

I calmly look up at him and wait for an answer.

"it's a power, something like mine. in order to use it, I have to draw my own blood. the aura of this attack is red, I call it blades of blood." he explains proudly.

I briefly gaze to the right, "next time, would you be kind enough to let me discover mine?" I seriously ask.

his ears twitched, and he stares at me intensely.

"Why should I? it wasn't my fault you couldn't hit me." he retorts funnily and folds his arms with his nose stuck up in the air.

I furrow my eyebrows swiftly and turn around, "excuse me! but I'm not the one assuming a stranger whom I just met has any knowledge of combat, even after this person never mentioned she did! and if I did I would have said something earlier! which is why Lady Kaede asked you to train me!" I furiously scream.

Inuyasha became nervous as sweat rolled down his forehead, he gaped at me from the corner of his eye while his arms were still folded.

while he peered at me, all he saw was a furious cat Demon blanketed in a red and orange aura showing her teeth fiercely.

time skip>

after we returned to Kaede and Kagome, our anger with each other subsided. however, Inuyasha was still grumpy.

I sat in front of the fire pit patently as Lady Kaede carefully bandaged my wounds..

Kagome watched from a short distance, "that looks awful, what kind of mean guy would do such a thing." she covered her mouth with her fist.

her words made Inuyasha jerk funnily in frustration..

I look at her, "it's okay Kagome, it doesn't really hurt." I assure with a slight smile.

"well, I'm glad you're okay," she replies kindly.

meanwhile in the forest of Inuyasha>

a small Demon that resembles a child, pushed through the bushes and brush while grunting.

"I know she's here, I know it!" he says to himself confidently.

he pushes two more bushes aside and reveals the opening, he stares out and see's a village.

"I know you're here! Saki!" he repeats again excitedly, but he was also saddened.

back in the village, at Kaede's house>

"The stew is ready.." Kaede passes down bowls to me and Kagome.

as we accept them, Kaede tries tempting Inuyasha to come eat..

"The stew is ready Inuyasha, why don't you come eat?" she asks kindly.

"peh, I don't need nasty human food." he retorts and rises to retreat outside.

while Inuyasha stood just outside the door, he stares curiously at an orange light at the edge of a cliff in the forest.

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now