Chapter Eleven: Subject Three

Start from the beginning

"Where are we. Is everyone alright?" I asked, this time more frantically, as I sat up quickly, only to be held down by his strong arm. He was going to lecture me.

"I dont know whether to kill you or hug you. You could've died today. I've- I've never seen you like...that...before," he said, rubbing his scratched up hands against his eyes. I smiled pitely at him.

"But I'm alive Steve, and so are you. How about everyone else? And I don't know whether the Eagle was just a hallutionation of mine or if everyone was seeing it," I said. As if one cue, an unfamilira voice sounded.

"No, definitely not a hallutionation. Hell, I even have a name and everything," a young boy's voice sounded from behind me. I turned to look at the new guy. He looked about fifteen- sixteen years old, had some muddy clothes on, and to my surprise, had a clear looking Element Stone embedded into his right arm. I'm assuming based on the few seconds I saw him in his animal form, he possessed the wind stone.

"Jack Michael Gray," he said, introducing himself to me. I just stared at the young boy. "And you, Hannah Irene Moon, I've heard much about. And, yeah, I've heard one or two things about you...guys," he said, gesturing to Cap, who he looked at the way he looked at Tony whenever he was...well...being himself.

"How are you-" I began, but was cut off by his answer.

"Yeah, yeah, 'how are in such control of your animal form Jack?' Yes, just like I explained to your friends, we have respect for one another, so we can live peacefully within each other. You see, Hannah, I think you learned this earlier. When you make peace with your demons, they are always under your control. By the way, nice job yesterday. Super cool," he told me, making my head spin. How the Hell was he so calm right now?

"Where are my friends?" I sharply asked, not in the mood for another Tony to talk to.

"The handsome dude with the cape, he's fine, along with Metal man over there. That red-head just needs some stiches and a few Advil, and she'll be as good as new," He quickly explained. I was about to respond before Steve beat me to it.

"How long have you been here? And why were you on the ship?" he asked, his inner military showing. I nodded my head in agreement with his questions.

"I've been here since the day I fell in here as Kevin," he told us, making my eyebrows scrunch.

"Kevin?" I asked, making him laugh at me and himself. Ugh.

"Oh, yeah, after our awkward intoduction, I decided I should give the bird a name. All of them have names, you know. When I entered into the dream state for the first time, he told me some weird name like Vento Aquilla when I talked with him, but I decided Kevin was going to be a lot easier for someone of my level of comprehension. I looked it up. It means 'Wind Eagle' in Italian. What's your lion's name?" he asked, making my head spin even more. This was too much. Dream State? Kevin? Italian???

"What in the name of Mary are you talking about?" I asked him, as his face went blank for a minute at the question, the scrunched up in amusement as what I said registered.

"Oh, you haven't- I see. You haven't reached that stage in your relationship yet. That's okay. I dont judge," he told me, making me scowl.

"Explain what you just said," Steve ordered, as Jack nodded. He breathed out.

"When you enter the Dream State, it's caused by the alliance of two beings in one body, like you and your animal. When you accept it as part of you, you get to speak with it. Willingly. I guess it happened to me fairly quickly," he said, as if he was speaking to himself.

"How did you" I asked him as he thought back.

"It was the second or third night here, and to be perfectly honest with you, I was kind of scared. and sad, too I guess. I didn't really know my parents, but I saw you on the news, screaming about them being dead, but not dead. So yeah, I was sad. And when I'm sad, I'm at my lowest. And when I'm at my lowest, I'm willing to do anything to get out of it. So, when I went to bed that night, I thought I was dreaming of me and this big ass Eagle standing in a field together, but it turns out, it was just the Dream State. Kevin explained what had gone down at HYDRA, and told me that I didn't have to be afraid. Ever since then, I visit him regularly in my spare time. Or when, you know, the Avengers are dying or something," he explained, just giving Steve more questions. I knew that it would be too much for him to get the responses.

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