Chapter Thirteen - Forgiveness Is A Start

Start from the beginning

“It’s a marine life center.” I said quickly, hoping she wouldn’t think of what I was going to do. 

She nodded her head, and kept walking. We walked around to the front of the building, where she stopped again and admired the beige front with blue designs. 

Suddenly, it started to rain. Maybe this would be easier than I thought, I laughed to myself. 

“Should we go inside?” I asked, she flashed me a smile and nodded, her hair sticking to the side of her face from the rain. 

I followed her as she ran out of the rain, and pulled the door to the Marine Life Center open. A few steps after she walked in, she stopped. “Wow..” she breather. “It’s amazing.” I smiled, I knew she would like it, and this wasn’t even the best part. 

“Shall me take a look around?” I asked, Holding out my hand, as if I was asking her to dance at a ball. 

“We shall.” She said, giggling, and linking her arm with mine. 

We skipped around the place, talking, laughing, looking at fish, watching the turtles, talking to the staff about the animals. 

I watched her with admiration as she intently listened to a person from the staff tell her about the sea turtle, Marnie, we had been looking at. She listened to the story of how they found her, and how she got injured. She watched the turtle for a while, still talking to the lady. Something about that moment just seemed so perfect.

When they finished talking, we continued walking through the building. Without her knowing, I led us to the hallway in the back. 

“Are we aloud to be back here?” she asked, slowing down and looking around.

I smiled and laughed, shaking my head at her tone of voice. “Yes, we are. I’ve been here before. It’s just emptier today.” 

She shrugged and continued following me.

We came to a door and as my hand was on the handle mid-turn, about to push it open, she put her hand on mine and pulled it closed. Her eyes widened after she touched me, almost freezing her in place, but she snapped out of it, pulling her hand off mine quickly and started talking. “Are you sure we can be here?” Her voice said uneasily.

“Of course.” I said, a bit shocked.

Her hand. It touched mine. It was like electricity was sent through my body, sending me in shivers. Did she feel it too? Was that why her voice had been uneasy, and her eyes had widened? 

She sighed, giving in and motioning for me to open the door.

As we walked in I heard her breath slightly hitch, making me smile. So far the plan was working. I walked towards a table at the edge of the room and grabbed two of the wet suits, tossing one towards her. 

She looked at it, and then back at me, raising her eye brows.

“Those dolphins aren’t just for watching.” I said with a smirk on my face as her eyes widened and her whole face lit up, shortly joined by a beautiful crescent smile. 

“Seriously?” she said in almost a whisper. I nodded and she smiled more, giggling, and ran into the direction I pointed in, towards the girls locker room.

We sat at the edge of the pool, dipping out feet in the water while the trainers got ready with the dolphins. 

“Niall...” she started to say, getting my attention. I nodded for her to go on. “I’m sorry.” she said. I look at her confused, why was she apologizing? “At the concert... I didn’t mean to yell at you like that. I shouldn’t have. I was just... stressed.” She explained. 

Right, she didn’t know I was mystery boy. 

“It’s fine,” I said. “Not a big deal, I shouldn’t have taken you on stage without you knowing, you were probably just shocked.” I added.

She nodded her head, “Yah.. Thanks anyways though.” She said, forcing a smile. I smiled back. I wasn’t expecting that to happen today, but it was nice.

“You guys ready?” One of the trainers asked. 

I nodded and looked at Tanner. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” and she jumped into the water.


Her laughter echoed through the large room that smelt like sea water, as she held onto the dolphins fin, and let it pull her around. 

Every once in a while she would let go and swim besides the dolphin, with a smile spread across her face.

Swim with dolphins. Check.

Tanner’s POV

I stood at the edge of the water, leaning over the small wall, and gently rubbing the side of the dolphins face, it was so adorable. 

Niall came up behind me and smiled, petting the other dolphin. 

“Having fun?” he asked. I nodded right away,

“It was amazing Niall, one of the best experiences in my life.” I chirped, causing his smile to grow.

He turned his head slightly, mumbling something under his breath that sounded like “This is just the start of it.” I scrunched my forehead, what was he talking about? But I decided to just ignore it, thinking it was nothing.


We stepped out of the car, walking towards the door of my flat, talking about how amazing it was with the dolphins. 

“Niall, that was the best time of my life, I can’t thank you enough.” I said for about the millionth time.

He chuckled, “Stop thanking me! I’m just glad you had fun. If I were you I’d thank the rain, it was what caused us to go into the building.” he said, slowly speaking the last part and not looking towards me as if it wasn’t true.

I ignored his weird act again and continued to talk. “I’m sure that even if it didn’t rain, somehow we would’ve ended up in there,” I said, smiling. 

He nodded, looking at me again, “That’s probably true,” he chuckled.

I smiled and leaned in, giving him a tight hug. “Thanks” I whispered in his ear, pulling back, giving him a smile, and then walking into mine and Ariana’s flat. 


I sat on my bed, cross legged, after taking a long hot shower. My hair hung over my shoulders in wet curls. I stared down at the Logan’s bucket list, smiling. 

Not even knowing, Niall had helped me do something, I wanted more than anything in the world. I was so thankful, but yet, every time I thought of him, Mystery boy came to my mind. Something about both of them intrigued me. 

I sighed, I’d have to write mystery boy a letter soon, I must of misunderstood, he probably came. He probably thought I bailed on him. I had to make thinks right.

I looked back down at the list and smiled, crossing off swim with dolphins.

Four down, nine to go.

Authors Note: Hope you liked this chapter, I tried making it longer than the others, but it’s hard because I can’t tell how long it’s going to be on wattpad, and when I write it on my computer it’s a different amount of pages, like right now its 10, but I don’t know how long it will be on wattpad. Anyways, thanks for all the feedback, if you want to give any tips, feel free too! Comment, Vote, Fan, Whatever! Thanks for reading!

Hannah xx

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