Chapter 6

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The man that saved me walks up to me, "are you okay?" He asks.

I shake my head yes even though I have a major headache and could go to the bathroom to vomit right now.

"Do you want me to take care of that?" He points to the cut on my face from Howard punching me.

I shake my head yes again, I felt like I could trust him so why not, "okay, follow me then," instead of taking my hand he walks up the stairs with me trailing behind. He stops at the bathroom and turns on the light opening the medicine cabinet and taking out bandages and rubbing alcohol.

He turns around and looks at me, then stops, realizing who I am. I was looking in the mirror at how bad the punch was.

"Olivia Fox?" He says, "is that you?" He asks.

I chuckle looking at him, "how are you Damon Ace? It's been a while, hasn't it?"

His face turns white, but also a tinge of red comes onto his cheeks, he remembers. And I'll help him remember.

"I came here four years ago, in ninth grade, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember," he straightens and sits me down on the side of the tub taking out the rubbing alcohol and a cotton puff.

"You've changed alot since then." I look at him in his bright blue eyes while he disinfected the cut in my face, "you'll get a bruise but it will probably last about a week, also it's an easy cover up with makeup."

"Why are you helping me Damon? Do you not remember what happened four years ago?"

He chuckles and shakes his black hair out of his face, he's changed alot.

"Yeah, I remember what happened." He glaces up at me, "do you want me to just leave you here bleeding? I did just save your innocence, so why not help out a little more."

I nod my head, "where did you go Livia?"


"Where did you disappear to? One day you were here, the next day you were gone. Everyone thought you just got homeschooled, or stopped going to school, there was even a rumour going around saying you committed suicide."

"I moved away to Prince Edward Island."

"Is it nice there?" By now he was grabbing a bandaid and opening it to put on my face.

"Beautiful, but I knew at some point I had to come back here, so, I did."

He puts the bandaid on my face and I flinch from the pressure put on the cut, "sorry" he cursed.

"Don't worry about it," I smile a little bit.

"Damn, do you want a new shirt? There is blood all over it," he wasn't lying, I didn't realize until now that the whole front of my shirt was basically just blood.

I looked down, more or less disgusted by myself, "yes please," I look at him chuckling.

He grabs the rubbing alcohol and bandaids and other things and walks out the door to what I'm guessing his room, I follow along.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not abducting you," he laughs, "although, my room looks trashed, so beware."

I start laughing as he opens up his door, his room is trashed.

He set the things on his bed and starts rummaging through his drawers finding a shirt. He hands me his football shirt. Because he actually plays football. It had a large number of 87 and his last name all over it. He walks out of the room for a second so I could get changed, I strip off my shirt and put his on, his shirt was like a dress on me. I tuck in the front of his football shirt into my royal blue shorts.

I then open up the door to where he was standing texting probably a friend about something, He looks down at me- because I'm short as hell (I'm 5'4 and he's 6'6), and laughs. He laughs.

Not because I'm short but because the shirt is fucking huge on me.

He walks into the room and grabs my bloody shirt off his bed, "I'll be right back, I'm going to put your shirt in the wash, okay?" I shake my head and sit down on his bed, finally checking my phone after about two hours.

*New text message*

Aron: I'm sry I had to go home. Felt sick, see u tmrw, u can stay the night there or catch a ride. Once again sry.

I roll my eyes, of course this happens.

A couple minutes later Damon enters the room again, he sits down on the bed beside me and takes out the rubbing alcohol again. I notice his knuckles are torn from punching Howard.

"Do you have any new friends here?" Damon speaks up.

"I have one, but you wouldn't like him."

"Who is it?"

I chuckle noticing his struggle at trying to get enough rubbing alcohol on his cuts without screaming, because it fucking hurts. I swat away his hand and grab the rubbing alcohol and clean his cuts.

"One of your favourite victims to make fun of."


"Aron Botuet."

"Ahh him," he chuckles, "he's kind of funny, although I don't usually talk to him."

I snort loudly.

"What?" He asks.

"You and your friends bully the shit out of the poor boy" I throw my hands in the air.

"Correction, my friends do, I don't."

I cock an eyebrow and open up a bandaid to put on his knuckles.

He chuckles, "you've really changed Livia Fox."

I laugh, "I didn't change Damon Ace, you didn't get the time to know me."

We sat in silence and when I was done bandaging his knuckles up he looks at me, "thank you Liv."

"Olivia," I correct, "and I should be thanking you for saving my innocence, then fixing up my eye and giving me clothing. So thank you."

He chuckles, "do you have a ride home?"

"No, my ride left me here."

"There are three options, 1. You stay here for the night," HELL NO, "2. I can drive you home," I'd rather not, "or 3. Find a ride from someone else."

1. Please no.
2. I'd rather not but I trust you.
3. I don't trust anyone else here at the moment.

So it's either 1 or 2.


"You could stay in the guest bedroom if you'd like, but if I drive you home I have to wait for everyone to be gone before driving you home."

I stay quiet thinking for a bit.

"I'll stay here," even though I will get caught by my father.

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