Chapter 2

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I wake up in my bed, my alarm clock buzzing. Oh how I just loooooved my alarm clock. Hear the sarcasm.

I sit up, turn my alarm clock off. I get up off my bed and walk over to my mirror to see what I look like. My long brown locks were tangled and my piercing blue eyes never looked so red before... have I been smoking something? I laugh.

I walk to my closet and pull out today's outfit (up top). I change my lip piercing and walk out of my room.

I check my phones time, the brightness leaving me in a daze. 8 o'clock it said, I walk out the door and head on my way to school. I live close enough to walk. It was beautiful out, the grass left a little wet from night time, the air fresh and cold.

I loved it!

I make my way to the school. I turn heads as I walk through the doors. In a good way or bad way, I don't know.

I make my way to the front office to get all my classes. Sitting on the bench in front of the principles office sat a really cute boy. He almost swept me off my feet. He had a charming smile and nice black hair, and his eyes. Don't get me started on those,  they were a really, really nice blue.

He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it, I kept walking, I stopped at the front desk.

"Yes?" The secretary tapped her pen on the desk as she looked at the computer.

"Um, I'm here to find out what classes I have?" I say shyly.

"Name?" She asked bored.

"Olivia Fox..."

"Right here miss Fox" the secretary hands me a piece of paper with scribbles of writing sprawled across the page.

"Do you need someone to show you around?"

"No, I should be good. Thanks" I smiled and walked away.

I look at my first class. Mrs. Somer room 208 with English was first. I know where Mrs. Somers class is!

I walk down the hallway, my hair spinning out of my face. I walk into Mrs. Somers classroom.

I remember that boy now, Damon Ace. If he's like he used to I should avoid him for my own mental health.

There sat at her desk was the old and withered Mrs. Somer. What was she now? Like 60?

I walk up to her desk, "Mrs. Somer?" I ask.

"In the flesh, and you are young lady?" She asks kindly.

"I'm Olivia Fox."

"Sounds quite familiar" she tapped her finger on her desk trying to remember.

"I attended this school 4 years ago.."

"Oh! Yeah I remember! My dear, you've changed! You've lost alot of weight! You look amazing!" She stood up and gave me a bear hug.

I missed Mrs. Somers, she was my favourite teacher.

"I'm glad you came back dear, I hope everything has changed to your liking here."

"I do to" I laugh.

I set my books down at the end of the classroom where I used to always sit, beside the window at the end if the room. It was more relaxing beside the window...

I walk out of the classroom, I met new faces and old ones. Some people I could tell never changed.

Trevor, one of the people who just bullied everyone. He stood tall. About 6'7- and I'm not exaggerating. He had gained some weight, he had pitch black hair and his eyes were the same dull brown as usual.

Trevor was picking on a freshman, toying with her stuff, holding them higher than what she was capable of reaching. I walk up to him and jump up to grab her books out of his hands and hand them to the small freshman girl. She thanks me and scurries away to her class.

He looks at me angry.

"Who are you?" He sneers.

"Who are you?" I say sassy.

He gives me a confused look, I wave it off and make my way to my second period class. I'm hoping to meet all my teachers before break had been over. He watches stunned as I walk away. Once break was over, I had met every single one of my teachers for this semester. Which was a good start for my school year.

I make it back early to my first period class with Mrs. Somer.

I sit in my spot and look out the window as the sea of kids fills in each seat.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, a guy beside me.

I turn my head to him, he had blonde hair and green eyes. He wore glasses, and he rocked them well... I definitely wouldn't be able to pull off glasses.

"You must be new here. I haven't recognized you-" he laughs, "my names Aron, what's yours?"

"You must be very smart Aron-" I laugh, "I am new here. My names Olivia" I smile.

He laughs as well.

"Well Olivia, I hope you and I can be friends."

"As do I," I smile.

The second bell rang signaling whoever wasn't in the classroom yet was late, and would probably have to do detention or something.

Mrs. Somer starts to speak.

"Good morning class" she looks around happily, "if you couldn't tell. We have a new student amongst us today!" She smiles.

Everyone looks back at me, my face becomes warm and I felt my anxiety perk it's way through me.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mrs. Somers says.

I stand up, "my names Olivia, I was born here but moved away to Prince Edward Island 4 years ago, my father thought it would be good if I came back here... so here I am.. "I say shyly.

I sat back down. Most people looked like they had seen a ghost, there faces were pale. Others instantly lost interest and turned around doodling or texting.

"We hope you feel very welcome in the school Olivia" she smiles.

I look out the window as she keeps teaching.

What a day this will be. Won't it?


New chapter of Mystery Girl Isn't A Mystery Anymore!

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