Chapter 10

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I opened my arms up as if I was giving someone a huge hug.

"Princess" I heard a familiar voice.

"Go away Damon."

"Princess, what are you doing?"

"GO AWAY DAMON!" I scream on the top of my lungs, the tears streaming down my face faster, "just go away," I say close to a whisper.

I took a breath out and started leaning forward, hoping to not live after this.

What a slut.

Fat ass.

Waste of oxygen.

Food hog.


My breath hitched in my throat as I felt the wind grab my hair. Before I fall forward off the cliff, a hand grabs my wrist. I felt two large arms around my shoulders and torso walking away from the cliff.

"LET ME GO!" I scream while wiggling to get out of his grip.

He wanted me to die anyways.

"Princess, what are you doing," I could feel his heart beat faster, he was shaking slightly.

"Let me go Damon," I sob, he knew something was up.

"What were you doing?" He pulls me away from the cliffs, "I'm taking you home."

He puts his hand around my back and leads me to his car to take me home, it was pitch black out now, about 8 o'clock. He opens the car door and sets me inside the passengers side seat. He gets inside the drivers seat and turns on the car getting out of he trail that leads to the cliff.

He drives us to my house, this time I don't jump out of his car and break my arm. The tears dried on my cheeks making my skin tight, I stay in the car when we pull into my driveway. "We are going to talk about what just happened, okay?" Damon looks at me before getting out of the car.

He opens my door and helps me out, walking me to the front door of my house. He opens the door, dad still hasn't been home since I came back from the hospital. We walk inside and walk up to my room.

He grabs a bunch of my pillows and blankets from the place he remembers I kept them in and set them on the floor so we could sit down and talk. It was comfortable and I felt like I could trust him, for the first time in forever.

"What happened?" He asks, almost a whisper.

"I-I" I break down in tears again, I probably should find professional help.

"Liv? Are you okay? Should I call someone?" He asks frantically, "wait, who would I call?" He was nervous.

I chuckle a little at his nervousness, he was trying, he really was and that was nice.

"Damon, calm down," I chuckle.

Damon does a hesitant laugh, "man, where's your mom? I literally haven't seen her in forever."

Bad question, "She ah-" I sigh, "she passed away last year," I look down at my lap fiddling with my fingers.

"Wha- oh man, I'm so sorry Livia, how? She was so young."

"She had lung cancer, when the doctors found out, it was already to late to do anything about it."

I felt Damon's arms wrap around me. I never really got to feel the grief much, I wasn't very close to my friends at P.E.I and dad always told me to suck it up and to get over it.

Damon and I used to be close, and he knew that I was very close to my mom. He's giving me mixed signals, he was rude before I left and now he's being sweet and kind. I don't know what to think about him, has he changed?

"I'm sorry," Damon loved my mother like she was his own, it wasn't hard, she was a very light loving soul. She never deserved any of this. "Is that why you almost-"

"Partly," I sigh a little to loudly, Damon lets me go.

"What happened, Olivia?"

I chuckle lightly, "to many things I have to admit."

"Tell me, I have all night."

I look down at my hands, my face bright red and puffy. Should I trust him?

"Why are you doing this Damon?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you being so nice? Before I left you hated me because of my body weight, but when we were kids before anything mattered you didn't care, then you did and now that it's gone and I'm back you talk to me and you're nice. You were so rude, did you know that?" He hesitates, taking in everything I said. It was true, he was rude, un-kind and definitely not friendly.

"I- don't really know, all I know is that I'm sorry."

"Why do I have a feeling that Mr. bad boy is lying."

"I'm not," he basically says blankly.

He's lying, and I don't appreciate that, I know he saved my life but he's done worse things that that's not worth it.

"Get out, Damon."

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