"Hey, Gerard!" Mikey hollers from the kitchen. Gerard spins on the heels of his socks and looks at his bother. "Yeet!" Mikey chucks a banana at Gerard and it ricochets off his face. Somehow, Gerard still manages to catch it while Mikey bursts out laughing, the bandanna on his head flopping around. 

        "You...you sir need to stop that," Gerard says, peeling it back and taking a bite. 

        "Micheal James," he mother scolds from behind him. Fear strikes him in the eyes and he scurries back to the table. 

        It's a little awkward with Gerard, not really sure what to talk about. Cody drives over to pick us up. Gerard gets in the front and I get in the back as usual. When I open the door, I see Amelia in the seat. "Hey, Melia," Gerard says buckling up. 

        "Hey, how's it going?" she asks with a smile. I look at her petrified as we start pulling forward. 

        "Tired," Gerard says. 

        Without looking up, Jenna and Cody both go "Same," in the exact same tone as each other.

        We start driving to school, the others talking about Marvel characters still. While I usually would be up in arms about my man Loki, I don't really want to talk. No, that's a lie. I need to talk. I need to talk to Amelia. But not right now with the others. I just need to talk to her without the others. I wish I could pause time and have the conversation with her right now and the others staying inanimate. Granted, if I'm going to be wishing for things, I might as well wish for no one to know about my feels. Better yet, wish for these stupid feelings away. That would just solve everything all together.

        We park the car and get out, grabbing out backpacks. "It's really cold!" Jenna cries out, starting to jog inside. Gerard glances back and sees her heading in already. He shuts the door and runs after her. The rest of us just walk in together because running is the worst. 

        We get inside, Jenna still trying to warm up her hands. "I'm getting you a pair of gloves," Amelia says.

        "No, that's the thing," Cody says, "she has gloves, just never wears them." 

        "Where'd Gee go?" I ask, glancing around. 

        "Oh, Lynn was heading up to her locker so he went with her," Jenna says. 

        "Speaking of lockers, I need to get my English homework out of there and finish that before it's due," Amelia says, heading toward the staircase. 

        "Hey, I got to head up there anyway so I'll walk with you." I start following her toward the second floor. "Bye, guys!" Jenna and Cody start heading down to art together. Walking up the stairs, I look at Amelia and she's already smirking at me. "I need to talk to you," I whisper.

        She adjusts her bag on her shoulder. "Sure, what's up?" she asks teasingly.

        "You know what," I mutter. "Did you...tell anyone?" 

        Her eyes soften. "What? Of course not. What, you think I'm just going to go around spilling that to everyone?" she asks. 

        "You didn't tell Cody or Jenna?" She shakes her head as I say their names. "You didn't tell...him?" 

        "No, especially not him. Why would you think I would? I'm your friend, Frank. This isn't 6th grade."

        We start walking through the rows of lockers, taking a left to stop by Amelia's. "When you called Gerard, what did you ask?"

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