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Throughout the week that followed after Bonzo asked me to be his girlfriend (Eeeepppp! Girlfriend! I still cannot believe that I am his girlfriend) I started to realize that the school was starting to become more accepting of the zombies.

I realized the more games Zed and the football team won the more willing the students seemed to become with the idea of the zombies being here.

It started when the zombies no longer had to stay in the basement. They even got their own lockers just like the rest of us, which in my opinion is long overdue. Who in their right mind would keep children in a basement and deny them basic human interaction with other students? I mean sure they are technically not human but zombies still deserve to be treated with just as must respect as the rest of us.

They were even able to join school clubs like music for Bonzo and computers for Eliza.

I still remember the day that I found out. It was choir week in the music club so we were working on a new song that day. Everything was worked out regarding the music however, we still needed a solo singer. So we held a small audition amongest ourselves to see who could be the soloist. Everyone was really excited, especially me. I just love to sing almost as much as I love cheerleading.

All the singers that wanted to audition had to prepare a song that had a significance to us which I thought was the best thing ever and surely everyone else would be just as cuffed as I was however, the moment Mrs. Jameson said it the whole room errupted into a mess of groans and whines.

Even with the protests, we still had to do it, which I had no problem with. So student after student was called up to perform their songs. Some did better than others but the moment that I was called up it did not matter anymore because all that I was focused on was my song. Walking towards the front of the class I thanked everyone that quitely gave me little encouragements. Taking a deep breathe to calm my nerves, I gave Mrs. Jameson a little nod to signal her to start my backing track and just like that I said the first line of the song,

I'm jealous, I'm overzealous....

(Song: Issues by Julia Michaels)

After my performance I slowly opened my eyes, which I closed during my performance, to look around the silent room. Was I really that bad? I know I was a little nervous in the beginning but I still think that I was able to give a decent performance. Just as I was to walk back to my seat in the back the silence was broken by a familiar cheering voice, " Whoohoo! Go-oo Dais-sy! G-go Da-daisy!"

Startled, I look up, not believing what I was seeing- Bonzo standing at the entrance of the classroom smiling at me while clapping.

Not even thinking about it I quicken my pace towards my boyfriend launchimg myself towards his open arms.

"What are you doing here?" I ask once he puts me down, ignoring the gasps from the rest of the students.

"Musica!" He replies while holding up his tricked out tuba. I cannot believe it, we get to be in the same classes.

Shaking my head, I smile at the memory. That was also the day that everyone else in the school, not including my friends and the cheerleaders, who had a meeting with the principle, found out that Bonzo and I were dating.

I still get girls fangirling over us when I walk through the halls.

Even now as I walk towards the cafeteria, I can see how the school and students have improved with becoming more zombie friendly. They took down the wall that separated the main entrance and the basement letting the zombies interact with the rest of the school.

As I pass a group of students I see all different types of zombie apparel from maroon backpack, vests to some zombie jewelry scattered throughout the group.

It is so good to know that everyone is finally starting to see them for the kind and amazing beings they are.

Well all except Bucky.

Ever since Zed and the football team started to get more popular Bucky started to push us even harder at practices. He constantly rants about how this year is cheer year just like the previous and that everyone were fools for believing that the zombies are just like us.

These comments make me a little cautious about letting him know about Bonzo and I. He has already forbidden Addison from seeing Zed so what stops him from stopping me from being with Bonzo.

I tried to stand up for Addison and even said that I would tell Bucky about Bonzo and I but she did not want me to go through the same sadness that she was going through. That right there is the best and most thoughtful friend you could ever get so because she did this for me, I decided to help her sneak around and leave notes for Zed while Bonzo helped Zed leave notes for Addison.

Which reminds me, I need to get ready for tonight. This is so exciting! Bonzo told me that he wanted to take me somewhere for our first official date as a couple but when he told me I had to go to the edge of the barrier, to Zombietown, I will not lie I was terrified because with all those years of scary stories told to us, when we were younger, you cannot blame me if I still get a little scared. So when Addi called and told me that the note that Bonzo gave her was Zed inviting her to Zombietown I immediately told her that we could go together. So tonight is the night that we sneak out to Zombietown, yet how are we suppose to do that?

That my friends is a plan that I still need to figure out. So while Addison and I sat in the school bus I suddenly get an idea.

"Addi I think we should have a sleepover tonight," I tell her.

"What do you mean we should have a sleepover? Dase we need to figure out how to get to our thing tonight," Addison replies, clearly not understanding.

Sighing, at her cluelessness, I explain further, "Well as you know it would be easier if we both were in the same location for a start and because my house is closer to the barrier than yours is I think we should go to my house. That way we will not have to worry about your overprotective parents and my parents and Brian are at the parents evening at his school so they will be gone for most of the night. That way we are able to sneak out without any problems."

Just like that we had a plan so all we have to do now is get ready because tonight is the night we go to Zombietown.

Wish us luck !

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