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Sorry guys!!!! I am a little busy right now but I promise I am going to try and make my updates weekly at least 😁😁😁😁😳😳😳😳😳

But on a positive note I just want to thank you guys for over 1.58K reads and 50 votes.......

I feel like crying tears of joy right now.... and it is all because of you guys so with all my love 😙😙😙😙

Now back to the story:

Today is a big day. For one, today is Zed's first football game but the reason why I am so excited is that today I get to find out what Bonzo's reaction to the note is.

Ever since lunch, yesterday, this has been the only thing that I could think about. How would he react? Does he even react? What if he does not feel the same? Am I thinking too much into this? It was just a little heart at the end of a note, many people do that, right?

Uggghhh.... I just cannot concentrate on anything except that. So to ease my restless mind I needed to get the answer as soon as possible and looking out of the bus window, seeing the school, I would say that would be now.

Taking a deep breath, I walked towards the bus doors, waving to the bus driver as I step off the bus.

This is it, all I need to do now is go to the basement, avoid the weird looks that I will most definitely get from the others and demand that Bonzo give me an answer. Simple right? Right.

With my plan of action in mind I start my journey towards the basement. Just as I am about to enter the staircase down towards the basement I hear my name.

"Daisy! Hey, wait up?" Really now, I was just about to-, no I can wait a little bit longer. So I turn towards the shouting, seeing Bucky running towards me.

What could he possibly want? As Bucky comes near I ask,"Yes, Bucky, what is it?"

"I just wanted to remind you of the game this afternoon. We need to be ready at 4 o'clock if we are going to make it before the teams arrive," Bucky explains, talking about the football game this afternoon. Like I said before really exciting day today. But I doubt we are excited about the same thing.

"Yes, Bucky, I know you kept saying the same thing, yesterday after practice," I point out, not understanding why he needs to tell me this again.

"I know, I know, I am just so excited. It is the beginning of cheer season and that means adoring fans for me and everyone else," Bucky dreamily exclaims, probably thinking about all of his adoring fans that worship the ground he walks on.

And there is the Bucky I know and somehow still tolerate.

As I was about to tell Bucky that I needed to go, the first bell rang. Noooooooo!!!! I did not even get the chance to go to the basement.

Defeated and not wanting to be late I quickly say goodbye to Bucky and walk towards my locker, where I grab my books and store my bag.

Ugh..... I can do this! Just fìve more hours until lunch which means five more hours until Bonzo's reaction.

As the hours tick down towards lunch time, I seemed to become more and more agitated. Now normally I am hyper focused in class but I just could not stop thinking about all of the different scenarios that could possibly be the outcome of this day. All the different 'what ifs' that plague my mind. What if he got uncomfortable with me because of the note? What if he does not want to talk to me anymore? What if he thinks of it as only a friendly manner? But the one that stuck out the most: What if I am reading too much into this?

I still have that nagging feeling that all of this, is just me overreacting but I will soon find out because right before we know it, the lunch bell rings.

I grab Addison and Bree and make my way towards the cafeteria, ocasionally hearing either Bree or Addison having to apologise to someone because I dragged them threw groups. What can I say, I am excited!

Completely forgetting of the food, I make a bee-line towards our usual table, in the corner. Finally I am going to get the answers to all of the questions that I have been forming the whole day.

As I get closer to the table I can already see Zed, Eliza and Bonzo with their own lunch boxes.

Alright, you can do this, Daisy. Just act natural. Do not make everyone suspicious. Which if I think about it, is really ridiculous. Am I really freaking out about such a small thing?

Giving a small chuckle to my silliness I went to go sit next to Bonzo. As I sat next to him, he turns towards me wearing a big smile. Now how can anyone be nervous with that smile?

"Hi, how was your day so far?" I ask him, but because he does not have his notebook out yet, he just shrugs. Awwh, poor him, I wonder what is wrong?

Seeing that he has his notebook out I ask, concerned,"What happened today, Bonzo? You are usually so happy." I wait for him to open his notebook to a new page.

But he just aggressively flips the pages, and scribbles down his answer, sticking out the book towards me when he was finished. I take the book out of his hand looking at the note:

Are you friends with me because you feel sorry for me?

I could not believe this. Who would make him think this? Of course that is not the reason and because I do not think this is a conversation that we should say in public for everyone to hear, I just answered on the note:

Of course not Bonzo. Why would you think that? I like being your friend. Who else am I going to talk to while Zed and Addison are busy with each other and Bree and Eliza are talking about their computer things? :) :b

As he reads my message, I see a little smirk on his face, before he shakes his head and writes something else, giving it back to me:

But that is the thing. We do not really 'talk'

Looking puzzled I answer:

What are you talking about? We are doing it right now.

Sighing he answers:

Not really I mean sure we are having a conversation but not a normal one, we have to write stuff down and all of this because I only speak Zombie:( :(

Is this what is bothering him, that we are not speaking to each other. So what if we are not verbally communicating with each other but this is more intimate and I like that not everyone is able to hear what we are saying. Sigh.....

Bonzo I do not care that we are not 'talking' with each other. To be honest I like this more. This way I am able to do things like this ♡ so do not worry. Why are you suddenly so concerned about this anyway? You were fine with it in the beginning. Was it something I did?

And that is a real concern. Is it something I did? But as if being able to hear my inner conflict Bonzo quickly scribbles down his answer, frantically shaking his head:

No no no, definitely not anything you have done. In fact you are probably the only human that does not make me feel like a freak. It was.... just something that was mentioned by Bucky that made me think but I like this too ♡

And with that little heart I knew that our friendship was sealed and I also knew my answer to all of my questions. Especially after seeing his blush.

I may not have directly asked him about his feeling but after today's conversation I know that he is just as insecure about our relationship as I am, which in a weird way is very comforting. However, with that confirmation, I suddenly feel a lot more focused. Today is a big day after all. Today we get to see history in the making, Zed, the first ever zombie on the football team, is going to have his first ever game.


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