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Just when I was about to ask him what the necklace said, the doors behind me flew open.

Shocked, I turn around wanting to know who was coming. As I turn around I see the girl zombie hurrying towards us. "Bonzo are you alright? We told you that it was just a joke the cheerleaders were playing. We need to go and find Zed, something happened to his band," she exclaims. Who is she? Is she Bonzo's girlfriend? She seems to really care for him. But the most important question is why do I feel so disappointed with the idea of Bonzo having a girlfriend?

Looking relieved, Bonzo rushes towards her. Well clearly I am not needed anymore. So without disturbing the two's reunion I slowly turn away and start to walk toward the changing room because I think that it is correct to assume that the pep rally is over.

But before I could get any further from the two zombies, I get a call back, " Hey, cheer head!" I turn around to look at the curly haired zombie. Wow, she is really pretty, no wonder she is Bonzo's girlfriend.

"Umm, yeah, hi? How can I help you?" I ask her, not really knowing what else to say

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"Umm, yeah, hi? How can I help you?" I ask her, not really knowing what else to say. I mean seriously what else is there to say in a situation like this?

"Bonzo wanted to say thank you for returning his necklace. He was searching for it the whole morning, it is kinda important to him, so yeah, umm, thanks..." she explains but at the end she waited for me to tell her my name.

Oh, silly me. I really should start to introduce myself to people but what can I say, I do not do well with new people, so after I catch on to what she is requesting I answer back that my name is Daisy.

"Really, like the flower? Are your parents hippies?" The girl says with a small giggle at the end.

Rolling my eyes at her little joke, I shake my head a little and reply, " Yes, like the flower and no my parents are not hippies they are just very cliché. They named me Daisy after the first types of flowers my dad got for my mum."

"Wow, I cannot really say anything bad about that. That actually seems really sweet," she exclaims, " By the way my name is Eliza, I am friends with Bonzo over there," she says while pointing towards Bonzo who is still standing in the same spot we left him in.

Ohh, so they are friends. That is nice to know. Not that I care, that much anyway.

"Oh, well as you already know I am Daisy and I am the cheerleader that fell into Bonzo's arms while he bulldozed the cheer team. But between you and me they kind of deserved it. I mean no offence but we all know what happens when zombies see fire. Bucky was putting us all in danger, and by what you said to Bonzo before coming in, it already seems that one of your friends already is in danger," I ramble, remembering what she said before she saw me.

Eliza looked me up and down for a moment before she announces," You are not like the other cheer heads. You actually see us as people. And between you and me I like you."

"Well, thank you Eliza, I like you too," I say giving her a smile.

After my confession I hear some grumbling from behind me. Turning around I see that Bonzo was trying to say something to me. However, because I could not understand zombie I did not know what he was saying.

Seeing our predicament, Eliza translated what he said, " He says he likes you too even though you guys just met. You seem friendly, which I agree with. However, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Bonzo and I need to go and search for our friend Zed. So nice meeting you, and hopefully we meet again."

Without letting me answer anything back, she walked towards Bonzo, grabbed his arm and walked down the hall, with Bonzo giving me one last look over his shoulders. Well goodbye, I guess....

With that I finally turn around and head towards the dressing room. With all the excitememt around me I forgot all about Addison. I wonder if she is alright? When Bonzo ran over the people that were under Addison she was pretty high in the air. I hope someone caught her.

After taking a shower and redressing myself, I was off searching for Addison. I walked down the hallways, went to go look into the destroyed gym and even went to the nurses offices but I could not find her anywhere. Lucklily during my search I walked into Bree, by now it was already lunch time and I have still not found Addison.

Rushing towards her, sitting by our table I asked her if she has seen Addison.

"Oh, you should have seen it, Daisy! When that zombie ran through the team with you,,all the people that were suppose to catch Addison were either knocked down or ran away. But you should have seen it Dase, one of the other zombies tackled down the whole football team, just to catch her," Bree explains very animated.

"Really, that sounds so scary! Luckily he was there to catch her. Are you sure that he took down the football team maybe they just jumped out of his way. Would you not do the same thing if you see a zombie headed your way?" I ask her, still not believing that one person, even if they are a zombie, would be able to run over an entire football team.

She looks at me annoyed while answering," Yes, I am sure he did it. The football coach even asked him to go with him to the principal's office."

Rolling my eyes at her, I reply," Maybe he wanted to get the principal to give him a detention, he did after all run over his WHOLE team."

As me and Bree kept on arguing about what happened, Addison suddenly popped up behind me, with a lunch tray in her hands.

"Addi, where have you been? We were so worried about you. Are you alright? Did something happen-" Bree rapidly asks Addison when she saw her. But before she could answer Bree, there was an announcement being made.

Through the speakers we hear the principal say "Good afternoon, Seabrook High School. I just wanted to let everyone know that from now on the zombies are allowed to be in the cafeteria with the rest of the student body."

As this was announced, the whole cafeteria went into a fit of complaints and questions. " Now, now, children settle down. This is how it is going to be and you all are just going to have to get use to it"

After that, the doors swing open. Nobody says a word. There in front of us were the zombies.

I do not know why I suddenly got excited. I mean am I not suppose to be annoyed as everyone else?

As the zombies slowly walk towards the food, everything around the cafeteria seemed to decide that they were going to ignore them and went back to their conversations or even started to talk about the zombies with their friends.

Looking around I see a familiar group of zombies sit at the table near the trash cans. But before I can do anything Zed looked up and yells,"Hey Addison!"

Bree and I look at Addison with big eyes. Is she going to do something?

With that she stood up and started to walk towards the zombies. Before she got there The Aceys stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"What do you think you are doing?" Tracey demands.

Jerking her arm from his hold," I am just being friendly," she exclaims, while continuing towards the zombie table.

What if they hurt her? I know that is mean but I cannot help but remember what my parents told me, so being the good friend I am, I stand up and quickly follow behind her.

Here we go, meeting number two with the gentle giant, Bonzo and his spunky friends.

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