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"Go now," I told Tae.

He shook his head.

"Only if you promise to answer my question after the show," he bargained.

"Alright, alright," I gave in.

Tae was so glad of my answer that he was waving at me hurriedly and was gone from my sight in an instant. Somehow I managed to smile. Tae may seem frightening when he is angry but when he's trying to be cute or being his natural self, he can make even the coldest person smile. And in this case, seven cold persons.

I left the booth and saw females still trying to get in the booth. I shook my head in disbelief. I know they are fantastic creations of Allah, good looking, rich, powerful, attractive, endearing, empowering, intelligent and most of all very good Muslims. However, to be screaming their names, and waiting for them are actions not part of Islam.

I got my phone and placed the radio frequency to the show. I walked at the hallway and saw a bench behind a landscape design of plants, and flowers. It even has a well of water on the side and a small waterfall with water falling to and from. Here's the perfect spot. I sat down and injected the headset on my phone. I listened to the interview in silence.

The djs were introducing each one of them. All just answered in a flat expression until Tae changed the mood with his high pitch voice, jokes and weird remarks that had the female dj laughing so hard and later made istighfar. To make Tae shut up, Suga threatened him with something that had me laughing a bit. Suga's sarcasm is always golden and unexpected. The dj afterwards changed the mood into a happy tone of questions and teasing while the Handsome Eight enjoyed the interaction. Later on the questions got serious. Isaac discussed the project and interjected a Qur'anic verse. I felt very proud and pleased with my future husband. J – Hope also talked about the poor condition of the refugees, their health risks and what we should do for them. He was seriously speaking that made him sound so smart. Next, Jin and Jungkook told a story about two friends competing to please Allah. It was very heartfelt that I felt tears on my eyes. Tae also discussed how the Prophet (s.a.w) loved children. It was very sweet. Tae even talked how the Prophet (s.a.w) would allow his grandchildren to ride on his back when he prayed his salah. Jimin added Tae's talk by describing the rewards of those who spend for the less fortunate ones. To beautify more of that statement, RM shared how the different leaders of the caliphate, Abu Bakr As – Sidiq, Umar ibn Al – Khattab, Uthman ibn Afn and Ali (r.a) would go out of their way in helping and serving the people. Sometimes it would be so secretive that no one at that time knew what the Sahabah did. Next a question was pose to Suga.

"My question for Mr. Suga Yoongi is how do you feel that you eight have been receiving widespread recognition and fame in the internet? We even have a lot of listeners waiting outside the booth, happy with the privilege of getting to see you guys. How do you think this will help with your Rebuild Marawi Project?" DJ Sophie asked.

Nope, young lady, you did not just ask that question to the wrong person. Knowing Suga, this will indeed be an infamous answer. I touched my earphone just to attentively listen.

"I don't think it helps at all," Suga bravely said.

I stood up in the momentum and was grinning from ear to ear. This was what going through my head.

"Rather than waiting for us outside, I appeal to the people to stay in their homes, serve their Mothers, their Fathers, or perhaps recite the Qur'an, do voluntary prayers, or pray your Asr early, maybe read an Islamic book. Or you can fold some laundry while listening to us. The thing is, too much admiration or adoration to anything, or to anyone is never advisable nor is it permissible in Islam. To be popular among people is actually more detrimental. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), he said – "If someone overpraises you, throw dust to their faces." This is to point blank explain that if you sincerely care for someone, do not over compliment them. You may wish them blessings, pray for them to be blessed more. The Shaytan has many tricks and I just want to say it out there, that our religion does not permit all this. I also hope our videos of our handsomeness as they say it on the internet, would stop spreading. Take them out please and in shaa Allah, Allah will reward you that which is better. Only Allah is worthy of all praise. And if we are to admire someone, let that be the beloved Rasulullah (sallahlahu alayhi wasallam)," Suga Yoongi strongly said.

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