Blackpink House #34.

Start from the beginning

"Who was it?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Sorn. We were gonna go to the dog cafe. Do you wanna come?" Lisa asks as she closes her laptop.

"No, it's okay. Go hang out with your friends babe." Chaeyoung says.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you here alone." Lisa pouts.

"It's fine Lisa. They're your friends, they want to see you."

"But I want you to hang out with them too. They're important to me, and I want them to meet the someone who is most important to me." Lisa says. "Please come."

"Are you sure?" Chaeyoung says, biting her lip in contemplation.

"Positive." Lisa smiles.


"Babe can you put this on for me?" Jennie asks while holding up her necklace.

"Yup." Jisoo says while standing behind her.

Jennie smiles at her through the mirror and Jisoo clips her necklace on.

"Wow..." Jisoo smiles at her.

"What?" Jennie blushes shyly.

"Your neck is really hairy." Jisoo says earning a playful slap as she laughs.


"Do you want some gum?" Jennie asks as they walk hand in hand through the park.

"Why? Does my breath smell too?" Jisoo teases.

"Too?" Jennie pouts while checking her breath.

Jisoo laughs and kisses her cheek. "I'm just kidding."

"Aish you're quite the joker, aren't you?" Jennie smiles.

"The best." Jisoo smirks. She pulls Jennie towards the swing.

"I'll push you." Jennie says while moving behind her.

Jisoo nods excitedly and sits as Jennie pushes her.

"Jennie yah," Jisoo says as she swings her legs.


"Do you want to go to my parents house on the weekend? My sister will be there." Jisoo says.

"Really? I haven't been in awhile." Jennie says. "I'd love to."

"Yeah? My family misses you." Jisoo chuckles.

Jennie smiles shyly and stops Jisoo's swing before moving to stand in front of her.

"I miss them too." Jennie smiles.

"Yay! We can go see the baby!" Jisoo says excitedly while hugging her. "And I get to see you with a baby!"

Jennie giggles and hugs her back tightly. "Your eomma won't mind?"

"Are you kidding? She'll finally stop asking me to bring you over." Jisoo laughs. "Can I borrow your phone?"

"Yeah, for what?"

"I need to call my mom and tell her I'm bringing home the girl of my dreams." Jisoo says making Jennie laugh.

"Aish get out of here." Jennie laughs.

Jisoo chuckles and kisses her cheek. "I actually can't wait for you to see them again." She smiles.

"Me too." Jennie smiles.


"Yah Lalice," Sorn calls over.

Chaeyoung goes to let go of her hand but Lisa holds onto it tighter.

"It's okay babe." Lisa says quietly.

"Are you sure?" Chaeyoung whispers.

"I'm sure. Unless you don't want to." Lisa says.

Chaeyoung clasps her hand and gives her a smile. "Okay."
"Okay." Lisa nods before they're walking over to their table.

"Ou What is this?" Sorn smiles, looking at their clasps hands.

"I'll explain in a second, but for now, come and give me my hug losers." She smiles. "Bam Bam, great to see you buddy."

"Yeah you too." He smiles while hugging her. "Rosé, it's been awhile."

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." Chaeyoung says.

"Is Ten not here?" Lisa asks as she pulls out a chair for Chaeyoung.

"He's busy unfortunately." Bam Bam says.

"I watched the Dream Concert, he's not hurt is he?" Lisa says in concern.

"Yeah the rain was really dangerous. They were falling pretty hard." Sorn says.

"I think he's been well. But he told me that they're coming out with a Thai version of "Baby Don't Stop.'" Bam Bam.

"That's exciting. How has Miyeon been at CUBE?" Chaeyoung asks Sorn.

"She's been doing great, the whole group actually. I was thinking I would introduce you guys to Minnie." Sorn says.

"Hell yes, my Thai gang is getting bigger." Lisa smiles as she looks through the menu.

"I knew we were a gang! Told you sorn!" Bam Bam says.

"We are not a gang." Sorn says.

"We're a gang," Lisa whispers to Bam Bam making him chuckle.

"This is what I have to deal with." Sorn says to Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung giggles. "I have to deal with her everyday." She whispers.

"Yah I can hear you." Lisa says making them giggle.

"So, are you two going to tell us what's going on here?" Sorn raises her brows.

"We're dating." Lisa shrugs.

"You're what?"

"I told you Sorn." Bam Bam says. "I'm a genius. You guys are gonna tell us you've been dating since last year right? You guys are always all over each other, could you be anymore obvious."

"Uh no, we've been dating for only a couple months." Chaeyoung blushes.

"Oh...well what the hell took you so long Lalice? You told us you had a crush on her like a year ago." Bam Bam says.

Lisa kicks his leg under the table with a glare.


"Anyways, I'm really happy for you guys." Sorn smiles.

"Thanks." Chaeyoung giggles as they watch Bam Bam and Lisa argue.

"It's was supposed be a secret," Lisa whispers.

"Since when!"

"Since forever!"

"Aish overdramatic." Bam Bam rolls his eyes.

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