Kazuichi Soda

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•You are talentless (i almost typed quirkless lol)
•You and Kazuichi are dating and have been since the first class trial
•This chapter takes place about two days after the trial
•This ones gonna be sad. im gonna make a happier one after this but . . . gotta distribute feels once in a while


~Kazuichi's POV~

I woke up to the sound of the morning announcement as usual and stretched. It's getting quite boring and depressing being trapped here, but at least I'm here with the sweetest boy I've ever known.

As I got ready to head to the restaurant, I thought back to when I finally maned up and asked out (yn). Truthfully, after I slowly began to give up on trying to get with Sonia and got to know (yn) better, I started to realize that I was a little bi because I couldn't get him out of my head. He got pretty spooked after the class trial a few days ago, and that's when I finally discovered my feelings and asked him if he wanted to date while we were stuck here. He actually said yes.

Retracting from my thoughts, I finally made it in the restaurant and sat at a table near the entrance. I looked around to see if (yn) got here before I did, but he wasn't here.

I ate and watched the door, but he never really showed up. I got up and decided to ask everyone in the restaurant if they'd seen him recently.

"Has anyone seen (yn)?!" I yelled above the chitchat. The room then went silent and everyone looked at me.

"No, not really," Hajime replied with a shake of his head.

"Actually," Chiaki started with a hand on her chin, "it has been a while since I've seen him last."

Fuyuhiko scoffed with a smirk. "Maybe he finally kicked the bu-."

"Don't say that!" I yelled, interupting him. That got me to worry though. Is he really okay? He didn't really talk much yesturday cause he seemed so deep in thought. Maybe something happened.

I frantically looked at everyone. "Has anyone checked on Nagito lately?!"

"I fed him about thirty minutes ago," Hajime replied. "He's still tied up."

I gritted my teeth and ran from the restaurant, ignoring the curious cries of everyone else. I quickly pasted the pool and ran to (yn)'s cabin.

I banged my fist against the door. "(yn)!" I yelled. I heard something drop and panicked some more. "(yn), please tell me you're okay!" I leaned as close to the door as I could possibly get and listened. No footsteps, no movement.

"I-I'm fine," I heard his timid voice reply. I took a deep breath in relief. "You can come in."

I quickly opened the door and saw him standing in the middle of the room, looking at his feet. He wore a loose fitting shirt and some sports shorts. I assumed they were pajamas.

I smiled at him. "Hey." I shut the door, then walked closer to him and pecked his cheek. "Sorry if I scared you, I thought something happened to you."

I then turned back towards the door. "Let's head to the restaurant. You're probably starv-."

"No," he replied. His voice sounded slightly scarier, more authoritative.

I stopped in my tracks and looked back him. "Hu-WHA!?"

Once I faced him I began to sweat. In his hands was a long carving knife. His head was leaned down and a shadow cast over his face.

"(y-yn)," I stuttered. "W-Why do you h-have that?" He didn't respond. "(y-yn)?" Nothing.

A second later I could hear him crying and he lifted his head to reveal tears running down his face.

"(y-y-." I started but he cut me off.

"I-I don't w-wanna hurt you Kazuichi!" he yelled. "J-Just p-please leave and let me f-finish what I st-started!"

"Started?" I glanced him over then saw blood on the floor. I looked back at him getting more and more worried for him. "Don't tell me you-"

"SHUT UP PLEASE!" He held his hands to his ears which made him drop the knife. I took this chance to run to him at hug him tightly. He continued to cry and started to fall to the floor, so I slowly brought us down so we were both on our knees.

I held him close. "Please don't do this (yn)," I begged him. "We can both make it through this, I'll protect you."

He was shaking. "I-I can't anymore. This fear, this . . . despair. . . . I don't wanna go on anymore."

"Well I won't let you. Someone will come for us all and we'll all be safe. We just gotta wait."

He slowly stopped shaking and sort of tried to hug me back, which made me feel better. We both let go of each other and I stood up, reaching a hand out towards him.

"Let's get some air, okay?" I asked but it was more of a polite command. He nodded in response, looking off to the side.

After that, everything seemed to happen so fast I almost couldn't process it as. As (yn) reached for my hand, he flipped out the carving knife, making the handle land in my palm. I institively grabbed it since I was expecting something to land in my hand but didn't realize what it was until (yn) flung himself into the knife, getting stabbed in the stomach.

I quickly let go of the knife as he fell on his back, blood spurting from the open wound.

"(YN)!" I yelled, kneeling on his left. "OH GOD WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I wasn't mad, I was more scared.

He only gave me a blank stare back. "Its more like, what did you do. . . ."

"Wh-What are you saying!?"

"You held the knife. . . ." he began slowly. "Even if I flung myself into it . . . Monokuma should rule it as a murder. . . ."

I began crying. "B-But. . . ."

I then got an idea. I reached towards the handle of the knife but (yn) grabbed my hand lightly.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Trying to stop the bleeding!" I yelled back.

"You can pull the knife out, but it won't stop any bleeding." I gave him a confused look and he continued. "Removing the knife will open the wound more, which means I'll lose blood faster."

I looked around. "Th-Then let me go get Mikan! She can help!" I was about to turn and run when he yelled at me to stay.

"DON'T!" He used most of his strength to yell and I could tell it hurt him a lot.

I gave him a pleading look. "B-But . . . WHY!? I can't let you die!"

He reached over and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it for a second then gave me a satisfied smile.

"Cause . . . I wouldn't want to die . . . any other way." He started crying as well now.

He began pulling on my hand and I leaned closer to him. He then used his right hand to cup my cheek and kissed me on the lips, which I returned quickly. We hadn't kissed much except for little pecks, but this was such a passionate kiss I started crying even more.

He pulled away just enough for him to whisper what would be his last words.

". . . I love you . . . Kazuichi. . . ."

I placed my forehead on his as he closed his eyes.

"I-I love you too . . . (yn)."



sadly lol

ive got a couple requests to do and i really wanted to put this part out before doing any others cause KAZUICHI IS MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was planning to do the trial and his execution but i might not . . . unless you guys want that then i can do

the next one is gonna be a celestia ludenburg one. sorry it might seem bad or rushed but thats jut because im not used to writing for her, but i love her character so wish me luck!

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