Korekiyo Shinguji

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from das future *im baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! please enjoy this, its one of my favorites!*

hes my favorite dude from v3 as well as gonta and kaito (and i kinda just finished chapter 3 . . . *cries*)

•You are the Ultimate Linguist (yeah i used this talent for ibuki but i actually really like it so XP)
•Ill have you speak in many different languages. Im not gonna put translations in, but watch for the certain astrics and at the end of the chapter and ill tell you what language its in if you really wanna know what they mean
•Also were just gonna ignore that little fact that he likes someone else (cough cough) (no spoilers) so hes all for the taking


~Your POV~

I arrived in the dining hall pretty early, actually much earlier than usual. I was hoping to find one of my closest friends here, Korekiyo. I needed his advice on something and well . . . I just loved being around him, even if he is a little quirky and mysterious. Lucky for me, he was there as well as Kirumi.

"Good morning (yn)," Kirumi greeted with a smile. "Breakfast is almost ready."

"Gratias tibi Kirumi*," I replied, speaking in tongues. She smiled in responce, even though she might not have known what I said.

"Oh, by the way," I began a new conversation, "could you give me and Kiyo a moment alone? I'd like to ask him something."

She bowed lightly. "Of course. I shall be in the kitchen if you are in need of my service." I thanked her and she left.

I turned to Kiyo, who had a slight hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Mane Kiyo*," I greeted.

He nodded back. "Well," he motioned to the chairs behind us, "what did you wish to talk about?" We sat down and I began what happened.

"Check this out." I pulled out a folded up piece of paper and showed him what was written on it.

He silently looked at it for a minute then looked back to me. "French?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes. I found it slipped under my door last night and decided to ask you about it."

He chuckled a little. "Kehehe. . . . What is there to talk about? I think you know I can't read French."

"I do know that; but I can."

I picked up the paper and began reading it.

"J'ai pris un peu d'intérêt pour toi-#"

"In English please."

I chuckled at my bit of humor and translated it for him. "I've taken a bit of interest in you (yn), the Ultimate Linguist. You've, I guess, touched my heart in a way. I'd like to reveal myself, if you don't mind that. Meet me tomorrow night in front of the dormitory, about 30 minutes after the nighttime announcement goes off."

Kiyo nodded. "It obviously sounds like a love letter."

"I know that too." I looked over the note deep in thought. "It's a bit sloppy, but easy to translate. The writter must've translated it on their own, but I don't know anyone else here who can speak any other language other than Japanese and some English."

"They must be trying to impress you," Kiyo deduced. "French is your favorite language, isn't it?"

I nodded. "Yes, but not a lot of people know that."

There was some silence as I fiddled with the note.

"Are you willing to meet them?" he then questioned with curiosity.

Danganronpa x Male Reader (one-shots) (CLOSED REQUESTS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt