Currently I was sitting on the couch reading while Thor was eating his 2nd box of cookies and cream pop-tarts.

"Lady (Y/n), I have told you of my family. Will you tell me about yours?"

"I am an orphan Thor. That means I have family that either didn't want me, couldn't take care of me, or they died. I never knew so no reason to have any reason to hate them. I grew up in the orphanage, because no one wanted the girl with powers. She would have been too much work to take care of. That's all there really is." I continued looking at my book not looking at Thor.

"I'm sorry Lady (Y/n)."

"What for Thor?"

"I brought up painful memories."

"Why? That's my past, all I can do is move forward." I look at him to see his kicked puppy look.

"No one should grow up like that."

"There are kids like me all over Earth. Hundreds, even thousands of us."

"My Lady, still does not mean anyone should grow up like that. Without a family."

"Thor I have friends that I consider family. The Avengers are my family. And one day I hope to make a family of my own with the man I love."

The Red alert starts to go off. There is an attack going on in New York.

"Come on Thor let's go!" I yell behind me as I run out of the room.

~During the Battle~

There are robotic suits marching and burning down buildings. Tony was fan boying about the way they were built. He told us that JARVIS picked up on a signal being sent to give them orders. JARVIS couldn't pin point it exactly. It was affecting his sensors too.

So everyone has the idea to just fight the robots they could see. Although there was one person who thought about their powers to get a feel for something. But if JARVIS couldn't locate the controller then she would have to touch an active one. With flame throwers on them that would be suicidal.

She would just have to take the chance of it happening though. She knew that if she told the others they would stop her, so she did this without their knowledge.

(Y/n) would be on her own with this plan. The first robot didn't give her anything other than a flame thrower pointed at her chest. She destroyed that one pretty fast. The second one she thought was distracted by something, but she was wrong.

It pointed the flame thrower at her head. She sent that one flying towards Tony to be blasted. The third one she sent to the ground first. This was her last chance everyone was destroying them fast.

She concentrated really hard that she didn't see the flames coming for her till Tony pulled her away. But not before she got burned on her side by them.

"(Y/n)!" Everyone came to see if I was okay after I screamed.

"Cap! The robot is still active!" Tony yells over to him. Since he was holding me.

I touch his helmet and give JARVIS the coordinates to the control room. Steve destroyed the robot in seconds with his shield.

"(Y/n)! What were you doing?"

"Sir she got the location of the person controlling the robots." JARVIS answers for me, while I shake my head up and down.

"You did that to get the location! What are you stupid?"

"Tony! There is no need for calling her that! Although I would like to know what she was thinking to. But it will have to wait. Thor take her to the medical wing at SHIELD. As for the rest of us let's go get the man behind thus attack." Steve says to everyone.

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