Chapter Fifty-Six - Unconcious Vegetable of a Brother

Start from the beginning

"Your Samuel told me they would change color a bit. I haven't been keeping track."

I shook my head, smiling to myself. "Well, you don't exactly have a mirror or anything to do that with." I folded my arms. "And, he's not my  Samuel."

"Sure. Whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes. "So, how are you feeling, exactly? Better?"

Will nodded, shifting his weight and pulling blankets around his waist. "A bit. I mean, I'm getting used to it. Everything just hit me all at once and it was overwhelming. Now that I know what to expect, it's easier to deal with it. Plus, my body isn't being ripped to shreds, so that's nice."

"I can imagine," I cringed. 

"Sleep is helping. The more time that passes, the better I feel." 

I bit my lip, and before I could utter a word, Will rolled his eyes. 

"Spit it out, Samantha."

"Do you feel any differently?"

He pursed his lips and spoke after a moment. "Yes. My head is constantly pounding. When I'm awake, I'm restless, no matter how exhausted I am."

"Is there a," I paused, my face twisting, "wolf inside you?"

Will looked me once over, narrowing his eyes. "Yes."

"And how do you feel?" I trailed off, suspending my open hands in the air. 

"How do I feel about that? Are you my therapist, now?"

I folded my arms and huffed. "No. I'm just trying to gauge how you're doing."

He sighed and shook his head. "I'm not going to sit here and talk about feelings. That hasn't changed. I will tell you that it's weird and annoying and I hate every moment of it, but I'm adjusting. You don't need to worry about me."

My face softened and my hands fell into my lap. "I just want you to have someone to talk to. This is a lot. I can't even imagine, and I'm so sorry, Will. Really, truly, sorry. This should have never happened."

"No, it shouldn't have happened, but it's not your place to say sorry for it."

I took a small breath. "Do you know whose place it is, then?"

Will pursed his lips, again. His frame went stiff and he turned to look at the wall. "I think so."

"Are you going to tell me?"

He sighed and turned back to face me. "James."

My breath hitched in my throat. I stared at the space between me and Will, trying to absorb the information. I knew Will was waiting for my response, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. 

"You look surprised," he commented. 

I fought for the right words. "I guess I am."

Will scoffed. The sound brought me out of my trance, and when I looked back at him, his face was contorted in rage. 

"I don't know why," he spat. 

I looked around the room and shook my head. "I thought it was Riley, or Payton Bray, maybe."

"Why would they bother biting me?"

"It's a long story." I kept my gaze averted from Will and kept looking around the room. "How do you know it was James?"

Will was quiet long enough for me to look back at him. He was already staring at me through slits for eyes and folded arms. "I'm not sure."

"Come on," I huffed. "I know you know, or else you wouldn't have said it was James."

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